
Exactly my thoughts. Hope she gets out of there, but we all know how tricky these situations are. The fact that she said that “he is too serious when he plays, and that everyone is watching him and might say something bad about him because of it” makes it sound like she is justifying his behaviour, a typical case of

Makes you wonder what he is willing to do when hundreds of people aren’t watching/listening. I hope she can find safety.

She forgot to sue the utility company for placing the pole there. Don’t you know better than placing a utility pole on the outside of a curve? You know, people are definitely going to speed through public street, so the city should have built sufficient runoff area. She probably would have sued his own dad for getting

I think it was reddit or whatever that looked up the road on google maps and you basically had to be doing insane speeds to crash because it is an ultra slight curve. You could take it at 80mph in an Accord on winter tires.

Oh fuck off. You get in someone else’s supercar, you hit the gas, the tires aren’t “performing at the level they should be”? If you decide to double the speed limit on a public street in a vehicle that you are not personally 100% certain of, it’s on you, bro.

The car was going between 85 and 93 miles per hour on a 45mph public road, on badly degraded old tires. I don’t see how this is anyone’s fault but the driver. Really wish Porsche hadn’t settled at all.

The condition of the tires was certainly a factor, but speed was absolutely an issue; 80+ mph in a 45 mph zone? The car didn’t spin out of control and crash while it was rolling out of the garage doing 5 mph, now did it?

“Investigators determined the cause of the fatal solo-vehicle collision was unsafe speed for the roadway conditions,” Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Commander Mike Parker said Tuesday.

Yeah, that Porsche is just too dangerous, not like all these other cars that would totally not be fucking destroyed when crashing at extremely high speeds on city streets. Nope, they just got that kind of crash protection you can’t find on the Porsche, even against hard obstacles that you would find next to roads

As sad as we all are about Paul, this was no fault of Porsche’s, no fault of the driver, and all the fault of the owner for not changing the fucking tires.

Not while there is money to be wrung from that corpse, no chance.

Looks like this is just a cosmetic thing. Guess they don’t want innocent patreoners stumbling upon something directly labeled, “I brainwashed and banged my family IV: The one where your daughter is a mindless anthropomorphic slave dog.” So you’ll just have to tone it down to “Daddytrance: Give a dog a bone.”

Obama was black. And a Democrat. There are different rules for those types of people. Get with the program.

That means the prudish people are wealthy and strong in numbers. Time to dig up that “better drink my own piss” meme.

I don’t disagree but I would like to point out the hypocrisy of the situation. How many games promote mass murder and torture? And no one bats an eye. Why when it’s about sex is it unsurprising it gets banned but if the next call of duty got banned for promoting war we’d all laugh at the stupidity. If games can’t

So for 8 years the right whined about made-up corruption from the Obama admin and now they have actual verifiable corruption in their own and they don’t care. Sound about right.

“Puerto Rican Governor Ricardo Rosselló has defended the contract, saying Whitefish did not mandate an up-front payment from the cash-strapped Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority for its work.”

That sounds like a recipe for getting exactly what you pay for, and that would be bad.

I would also like to remind everyone that NSFW stuff comprises a good chunk of Patreon’s fiances. If they bite the hands that feeds them, those folks will go elsewhere, and by default, cut drastically into Patreon’s cut.

Isn’t whitefish the same town that Richard Spencer is from? What a weird place.