
I took slut pills to treat my PCOS. Then I had the gastric bypass. Now I take my slut pills so I can slut it up.

How could they not know? They ruled on Obamacare. As an aside, if your pro-life, you should be 100% for free contraception.

I dunno: Jesus never said anything about a single-payer healthcare, so I think its fundamentally immoral.

I take my slut pills because I had cramps that were so bad I would just be in the fetal position for 2 days straight. My mom had to take slut pills at 5o because she had an ovarian cyst rupture. My cousin had to take slut pills because she inexplicably fainted a lot and the slut pills have made it so she doesn’t faint

In addition to understanding how insurance works, I’d also like them to understand that bc can be used as MEDICINE and not just slut pills. Women can be prescribed them for a variety of reasons. 💊

I have a better idea. Just make birth control free for everyone, all the time. You get birth control! And you get birth control! And you get birth control! We could solve so many problems at once.

This makes me think that the justices don’t understand how insurance works. Full stop. You don’t buy insurance for specific medicines and condition. There is no “diabetes insurance” that you specifically buy on the marketplace when you need insulin. You buy comprehensive insurance and the company is gambling that more

It took me 60~ish hours to get to the endgame, but I completely 100% cleared the map (its my estimation that the game is “meant” to be played by doing the Mission>Side Missions>Encounters> then with the K9 perk collecting all the Intel in an area BEFORE moving on to the next. It made for a much better narrative

A server rollback would have been extreme for sure. The imbalance isn’t game breaking though. You end up agents that were geared faster and able to hit the higher tier DZ equipment ahead of schedule. There is definitely a power gap in the short term though.

I actually miss the House of Wolves public events because it fostered interactions with strangers like this. Fallen ships drop and the vanguard captain is killed. There would be a brief pause between strangers on who gets to take the Scorch Cannon drop. The ones who waste it would get chastised. Smart players would

Indeed. $500 sounds like a pittance now, but I’m guessing it was actually above market rate when they signed up for it.

It’s like getting an all-you-can-eat deal and then deciding to live at the buffet or that MS unlimited-data plan where people were backing up TB hard drives. The terms were no longer feasible or realistic for the price she was paying.

Just because I enjoyed a special moment doesn’t mean I don’t have a brain, I feel sorry for you that you need to berate everyone on this post to feel whole inside.

Trump’s response:

“If my dog doesn’t like you, I don’t like you” isn’t logically equivalent to “If my dog likes you, I like you.”

Christ dude it’s a joke article to begin with. Get the fuck over yourself.

“Wanna come over for Netflix and Kill All Humans, fam?”

or that recent boat naming poll, or the mountain dew poll, or the design a pizza poll, or literally anything you leave to the internet lol

I put these legs on the Brainbot yesterday, and had to change it. These legs do up the sexiness in a 7 of 9 way, and I was uncomfortable about that.