
This, all the way.

I know this will probably get me shit, but do we know if the model actually wore the shirt or if it was computer generated?

I am so glad my state doesn’t do that.

This is very true. Ours ended up being defective (bad SD reader) and while we were waiting for the replacement at Best Buy, we thought to ourselves: “Are we really going to use this a lot?”

I own an X and it doesn’t obsucre any part of the screen.

Something that helped me overcome these issues was when it fails to recognize you, instead of canceling and doing it again, enter your PIN.


They do have a valid case. And it will be interesting where it goes.

Apple has always been a secretive company, and I’m really surprised they even came out and reported on this.

But people also should not expect the same amount of performance from their devices when they are upgrading / updating software. That has been that way across all devices, across most of time.

So then you have the same feelings about Android manufactures that don’t release software updates for their phones after the first year? Because that’s the exact same thing they do. They stop updating to get you to buy new phones. At least Apple gives a shit about their customers to give them new features, at the

Yeah. And on the flip side, if they didn’t slow down the CPU’s and the phones battery life drained 2x faster; they’d be suing because they DIDN’T implement a way for battery savings.

All probation is supervised up front for a period of time. If you behave for a little bit, you can petition the court for unsupervised probation. In this case, she’ll have a year or two then go on unsupervised as long as she has a job, and stays out of trouble.

Real money.

I was under the impression that Carrie Fisher died AFTER they finished filming... Maybe if it was before, they would have changed the scene around, or used a CGI double and had her pilot the ship instead of Admiral Holdo.

That’s how you end up with movies like the prequels. For a character they planned to kill off, it worked “well”.

That’s why you get something (or look into) a Volt or something similar. They run 40-ish miles on the battery, then switch to the gasoline engine with a normal gas tank and range.

Back when I was in highschool, we were upgrading our computers to Windows 98, and our volume license (at least I think / hope it was) had the normal 25 character key we had to type in for each computer. By the time I installed over 100 copies, I memorized the code and used it for my password for awhile.

I can’t argue with you there. These features can / do reinforce bad habits. However, I’d rather have them and not need them then need them and not have them.

That must be great to have a TV package so cheap. My ISP still wants $60+ a month on top of what I pay for internet ($80) for TV service. Hulu is $10 a month, problem solved.