
Your internet still goes over the ISP’s here in the US if the server / service / website you are visiting sits on that ISP. And most your traffic will go through multiple networks owned by multiple ISP’s.

I’ve had a vehicle for 2 years with all those features on it, and not a single time the car has ever swerved away while trying to make a tight merge (which goes against what you said later by keeping proper distance and what not), nor have I had it slam on the breaks if someone cut me off.

Yeah, because having crash avoidance in a vehicle is such a horrible idea.

These are the speedruns I like to see. Not the ones where they are glitching their way through in 20 seconds.

My Grandfather was in Vietnam twice as a helicopter pilot; and when he came home, he was spit on. You know how I know that it actually happened, because he broke the fuckers jaw, and spent the night in jail for it. His arrest record clearly states, “Physical assault after having been spit on by demonstrators.”

Fuck off.

Please tell me it was made in China...

I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.

Neither is a USD. Nothing is backing a USD other than what people are willing to pay for it.

What am I going to do with a currency I can’t spend anywhere?

In theory, wouldn’t think work with any car that has a fob? Even if the car requires a key to start it (unlock the doors, hot wire and drive away)?

And in 10 years, one of the child companies that split off will purchase the other 3 parts, and become a bigger, more evil company than they were before.

No idea. It’s not every package they do it, but about half of them. The first one was a few weeks ago, I had just left the house and got the notification. When I went into view the tracking to see where they left it, a picture showed up.


Hopefully! However, given how they usually trim these things, it will probably be the low end with a manual. I know the GT versions don’t have the manual, and the turbo sounds like a “GT” only trim option.

Anything over 1,000 employees is this way, at least in my experience.

I had this issue a lot when they were using a previous third party company. But now, since the switch, I’ve not have any issues. They even take photos of the package after they leave it to show that it was delivered, and where.

This actually might be good.

The bad battery problems can also be because of corrupted application and/or corrupted data.

Are you serious? The X is a far better device than the 8 / 8 Plus.