
What’s to say the camera isn’t always watching you now?

I have mine in a case, a cheap one from Amazon for like $10. It’s not a rugged case either.

You mean Samsung made a phone that looked like iPhone. Since the iPhone was out (2007) before Samsung even started making smartphones (2010).

$47.88 a month with AT&T Next for the 256GB model. That’s what, 10 cups of Starbucks coffee? I know people who have 10 cups a day.

There are some other issues that people seem to gloss over when viewing this type of data.

Now playing

Didn’t Mythbusters do something similar as well?

Wouldn’t that be considered insider trading?

Hell - I’ve been hacked so many times, at this rate, I’ll never have to pay for credit monitoring for the rest of my life.

The issue with the 90 days thing is, is that this hack happened back in, what, June or something?


That’s actually a really good thought.

You’re going to poke fun at my reading comprehension? I didn’t even say anything bad towards you. Just said that Apple waits until the tech is ready and works, instead of implementing half ass shit.

That’s how I’ve always been.

That’s my biggest issue. I love TouchID, it’s amazing. I don’t want my phone unlocking every time I pull it out to just look at the screen. I don’t want to sit at the grocery story and mess with it to get it to unlock.

Apple does not release half-has software / hardware.

OLED screens use a lot more power and CPU. Which is why we didn’t see dual core chips in the iPhone until a few years ago, when Androids had dual / quad core for awhile.

Then go buy a fucking Android, asshole.

First thing I shut off, total waste and a gimmick.

Hopefully the people who say “One vote doesn’t matter” will get out and vote in 2018 / 2020.

You’re not touching that 35% of Turnip’s base that literally won’t ever vote Democrat for any reason unless the fucking Nazis and KKK suddenly endorse them with their hoods and swastikas saying “these are the guys we’re voting for.”