
Yup - same reason why I don’t either.

She has actually submitted it for publishing. It was only written this past year. I’ll have to see if she has a copy online, but I don’t think so since it was submitted to the school and they are sending it off to publishing.

“heated gaming moment”

It’s like watching Football / Soccer / Baseball / Basketball.

Yes - I thought I was the only one out there that did this.

My wife wrote a paper for her doctorate thesis, and part of it covered over-exposure on social media leading to working in the sex industry (very bad cases of narcissism).

I have a coworker that is SUPER excited if they come out with the watch with LTE. He wants to get rid of the phone in his pocket and work with just a watch. All he does is phone calls and text, which is easy to do with voice on the watch.

Build a Hackintosh.

We just bought them at work for everyone, a few people had this issue and they got little $2 rubber things that go on them. Helps them stay in the ear a little bit more snug. Only issue is, you gotta take em off before you can put them back in the case.

This will get lost in the sea of replies, but maybe someone will see it.

I saw one on Twitter the other day people were promoting. It was to donate your airline miles to help people fly out.

NVIDIA GameStream?

I must be wrong: I thought when State of Emergencies are declared - price freezing went into effect.

I am finding conflicting information, but it sounds like flood insurance does not cover cars, and is limited to $100,000 personal property and $250,000 for buildings.

It’s still fucking theft and illegal. It does not matter if it’s small compared to whats going on.

I am a bit confused here at what the issue was with this situation.

Yeah - Third party company with the name masked to amzl_us.

That’s something I’d gladly throw money at (because I can’t program worth a shit).

Nah. I have “friends” in the Army. They are jumping for joy over this decision. The majority of them LOVE him to death because he’s going to start wars, and (at least these people) they just want to go out and kill people.

I’m just saying, a person that makes the decision to drink and drive doesn’t think they’re doing anything wrong.