
Okay. I see what’s going on.

My bill:

You are correct. I am still technically paying $700 for the phone, even if I am turning it in early.


Unless you turn it in when your upgrade is ready.

The only reason why I feel this is real is because Apple has contracts with banks for Apple Pay that only allow TouchID and PIN to be used to authenticate the user for the payment. Removal of TouchID means that everyone that purchased this phone would have to use PIN, and would effectively destroy ApplePay.

“a reminder that you paid too much money for an excellent piece of hardware.”

Awe. Do you need a safe place snowflake?

Exactly. A bunch of crotchety old men at work were like, “I’ve seen it before in my cardboard box when I had to walk 50 miles uphill both ways to see it.” Then I forced them to look through the glasses and they were like, “Holy shit. That’s amazing! Fuck that cardboard box.”

His left hand / arm is bothering me during the take. You can see him miss when he goes to grab the sword.

Woman in my neighborhood managed to get a couple hundred pairs for free from the library, don’t know how she did it, but that’s beside the point. She is selling them for $10 a piece.

Yes. I can’t wait to see the amount of people bitching that their eyes hurt after trying to snapchat the damn thing.

At my last job, they had a coffee table book of “The Rooftops of New York”. It was a giant photo book of pictures of the rooftops in, New York...

We had a house in our old neighborhood like this., but it had glass on the top as well. When they went to kick the door in, the glass on the three sides broke and the door just fell in.

I lived in the middle of the ghetto and had smart locks so I would know if I forgot to lock the doors or not. I wasn’t worried about anyone “hacking in”. I use random / secure passwords for everything connected to the internet, and my wireless password isn’t my street address...

We just replaced the keypad w/key lock on our front door the other day. The new one does not have a key in it, but if the battery dies, you can hold up a 6V battery to the bottom (it has little contacts for it) and it gives it enough power to unlock it.

Yes. When I worked at AT&T we were told that we were putting people on a “silent hold” and then just hit the mute button. I’d throw in there an extra line and say, “If you need something, I can still hear you though.” Always helped with my customer satisfaction, and I didn’t have to hear them yelling at Timmy in the

Is it just me, or does this look identical to Overwatch?


Yeah, their whole tone changed once they were on the receiving end of it. My normal response is, “Now you know what it was like having to hear about it for 8 years, it’s only been ~200ish days.”