
I’ve had AT&T for 12 years and can count on both hands how many times I have had issues with them, and all have been resolved within a reasonable amount of time.

You’d have to have “business internet”, which would come with a SLA (Service Level Agreement) that states that your speed would not go below XX and above XX with so much up-time.

I know people who pre-order shoes...

And Yahoo Toolbar.

TNN - Trump News Network.

Technically they probably already have your home layout, depending on when the house was built.

Or when Amazon is listening to your conversations without activating it (Alexa) and then have it recommend items for you.

He’s not the only one, trust me.

We did some pilot testing at our company to use in the field with customers calling into a call center with hardware issues.

I have the Blackvue DR650S-2CH.

Yes - With ReVive.

Remember back in the days when certain video games would only work with certain graphics cards?

Awe. Do you need a safe place?

Power. Privilege. Control.

I prefer a larger display to watch videos and movies on, my 4.7 inch screen doesn’t match against the 27" 2k monitor or 65" 4k TV.

I have friends like that too.

But most of those issues were against the law, and the FCC stepped in a few times to put an end to it.

Who would you use for internet then?

Starfleet isn’t suppose to be a military organization though, it’s suppose to be scientific and diplomatic.