
Oh - You don’t think their team of lawyers hasn’t told them to shut up yet?

I was actually thinking the other day that everything up till now has just been coincidence; Trump actually didn’t work with anyone, nor did his staff. But Russia helped him with by interfering with the election and posting all the propaganda to make him look good. Knowing all-to-well that he’d be easy to control and

Those tend to be third party drivers.

Now playing

If you look at the IIHS crash test for the Model 3, it looks like a normal dash in there. Fast forward to 0:33 seconds to see behind the steering wheel.

It is a big jump, but I am just looking at the GLA-45 AMG, which doesn’t have much more power (375 HP vs 263 HP with 0-60 in 4.3 seconds, the MS3 is 5.2), and is in the $45k range used. I was lucky enough to rent a C63 AMG a few months ago, and loved the hell out of it. It’s too much car though, I want to stay in the

They aren’t breaking any laws. It’s just the “new” phrase that is being tossed around to try and discredit anything that is going on.

What now?

I may be wrong on this, but is the IIHS video the first time we’ve actually seen a Model 3?

My step sister filled her oil through the dip stick once.

Not a single credible person said that there was actual “hacking” of the election. Only nut cases and extremists. Our election system is too old to “hack”.

Nah - They would have gone after Bill then... lol

If it’s anything like TouchID, the unique key expires after 24 hours of not being used, or if the device is restarted. And will not work until the device is restarted, PIN is entered a new key is created.

If Obama was President, it would be his fault.

Thank you for fixing my grammatical errors. I see you chose a degree in English, how is that working out for you?

I love this argument.

She saw me pumping it.

Her words, not mine.

You may want to be careful with that. You may not own the car, but if (and this is a stretch) the engine is damaged somehow, you’ll be responsible to fix it since you didn’t use the minimum required fuel.

I have a coworker that drives an older Mini (2008). When she uses 87 it runs like garbage, 89 and it runs just fine.

They don’t want something as big as a crossover (I know, crossovers aren’t much bigger than cars) but don’t want to sit down as low as a car does.