
Tumblr is still decently large - mostly for people who post naked pictures of them selves to deal with social anxiety. Something I don’t understand...

I’ve had AT&T for around 11 years, same email address attached to each account, a; today was the first day I’ve ever logged into it.

Do you have issues when trying to close apps?

Yeah; thats not a feature that Apple wants us to have for some reason.

I’ve been testing the developer beta at work; it seems stable for the most part on an iPhone 6s. The battery life is a little worse, which has me concerned, hopefully that will be resolved once everything gets more optimized.

Oh - So you can just dismiss my real life experience as a story? Is that because it doesn’t fit into your agenda of trying to say that police are nothing but evil people, out to kill minorities? Like all the facts that you spew out, conveniently leave out the ones that don’t back up your point of view.

Yeah. That happened to us back in 2009. The last few cars we’ve purchased I read EVERY - SINGLE - LINE, ask a thousand questions and what verification on everything.

My wife and I went shopping for a new car for her. They had what she wanted, but they couldn’t get the payment down where we were happy, so we passed on it, and I ended up getting the car I wanted - which was a great price.

Was he the one that that said on live TV that “the goal of the Republicans was to make Obama the worst President ever.”

God - God tells them that women should not have control of their bodies, that babies shouldn’t be aborted.


That’s also an issue. My doctors office will charge $50 for a visit if you pay cash. But charge my insurance $200. Which because of my $600 family deductible, I have to pay. It’s almost cheaper for some things to just lie and say I don’t have insurance.

I actually know people who purchased healthcare through the marketplace and have ACA plans, but yet, they are against Obamacare - Which is the same thing! And if you try and tell them that, they’ll argue to the end of the world.

It’s not that they don’t think that human life is precious, just that OUR lives aren’t precious.

Should I format my post to make it look all “intelligent” and talk down to you as well, or just tell you I was a cop for two years, and I know what I’m talking about.

I take it you’ve never been charged by someone that is high on PCP or any other drug that causes loss of pain receptors and increased adrenaline.

Like this:

I think I might actually give him a thumbs up if he’s able to play 9 holes from the cart.

It appeared based on how slow they were going, they were checking the intersection. I wonder if that one car was JUST out of sight / blindspot or they were going much faster than the officer judged.

A deaf person would have looked both ways before entering the intersection.