Thanks, Trump!
Thanks, Trump!
Sure but Christmas specials are supposed to be light and fun so
Marvel: Shit. That actually looks interesting. We’re never getting those goddamn characters back.
I love Flash and Supergirl being all cheerful and peppy while interacting with the grumpier Arrow squad
Happy 100th episode, Arrow. We got you some spaceships, some heartbreak, and a whole lot of awesomeness.
You had me until that last line. Cinema is very much alive and well, in an era when even the middling movies can be expected to have great writing and cinematography. Which is why the attention paid to this steaming pile of... well, this clip, is all the more perplexing.
Reminds me of the 2505 Academy award-winning film, “Ass”... which won 8 Oscars that year, including best screenplay.
It’s garbage, end of story.
WTF? Seems to be the correct outburst, followed by “This won?” I was interested until I saw the “moon and its crater”, after that, it just didn’t matter. I guess I am not young enough to understand and appreciate hip and cutting edge film.
I really want the John Wesley-Shipp episode to have Julio and Tina McGee prominently featured. Hmm what is Alex Desert up to these days
Presumably Trickster? But considering this looks like it could be Earth-3, who knows?
I would give anything for “The Present” episode of The Flash to be entirely a John Wesley-Shipp joint, down to him giving the show’s opening monologue.
Despite all the advertising, I seem to remember Berlanti saying some time ago that the Supergirl episode of the crossover wouldn’t really be a part of the event. I’m guessing the bad decision to pretend it was in the promos is on the network. I imagine the showrunners are probably a bit miffed, especially with all the…
Throw a spoiler tag on that shit will you?
Jesus Christ!
Butbutbut... Martha W. is dead.
I think it always comes back to this:
I so want all four episodes to be increasing amounts of Diggle reaction shots to the events.
I am so ready for the CW Invasion! crossover. Hopefully Martian Manhunter, somehow, manages to end up in the fray (simply for Diggle’s reaction).