
It’s mentioned in the video.

That is not a thing. I mean, there is flop, but they don’t sway gently in the wind.

Okay, and.. now I really want to know how accurate the, uh, physics of it all is. That looks extremely floppy. Is that a thing? I know the breast physics are off (will anyone ever get them right?), but... this is something I really want to know, but am too terrified to google.

Wow, who would have guess the National Park Service would be the progressive badasses?

National Park Service employees have gone fully rogue after Prump’s WH banned their tweets. Follow them if you’re interested in science and the environment:

What did Ben do? Other than be successful, popular, and star in bad movies?

DO 👏🏾 NOT 👏🏾 FEEL 👏🏾 SORRY 👏🏾 FOR 👏🏾 HER!!!

This reminds me of how I smile at my boss when we make eye contact and then after she turns aways I crinkle my nose in distaste.

It’s really not that tough to figure out why, is it....?

He pays her to be near him.

Yeah, I have absolutely no sympathy. You married a horrible trash monster rapist because he’s rich? Have fun watching him slaver over his own daughter and getting pawed at by those tiny, tiny hands.


You can see the sparks between the Obamas. There really doesn’t seem to be much between the Trumps.

You forgot to read the article before commenting.

He mentioned why he didn't include them in article.