
Only 16gb? Pass.

welp this is what happens when we collectively obsess over the sexuality of barely-pubescent girls. Fuck this guy in particular, but fuck the culture that encourages his fucked-uped-ness.

Having suffered years of sexual abuse from my own father and being too afraid to tell anyone, the fact that this young woman had the strength to tell a trusted adult speaks VOLUMES about her. I wish I could hug her and tell her how brave she is.

I don’t think it’s that people don’t want a Windows phone, it’s that people was a GOOD Windows phone and one doesn’t exist. They have the Android issue: When Android first came out, the market was flooded with cheap Android phones that were underpowered and poorly designed. The result is Android phones got a

I rock a Windows smartphone now, and I would love to step up to a better Windows smartphone.

Yeah, that Blaziken hair... I did appreciate the stars & stripes shoes though.

While David Bowie will be remembered for many things, to me he will always be Jareth above anything else. Labyrinth is and amazing movie accompanied by an equally amazing soundtrack. It will forever be a huge part of my childhood among the other greats like The Goonies, and the Back to the Future trilogy.

I never particularly listened to a lot of Bowie, other than the stuff that everyone knows, and I am genuinely, deeply saddened by this news. He was one of those people I was thrilled to know existed, even if I hadn’t engaged with his work all that much. I guess I just assumed he (and Lemmy) would be here to turn out

This shit is why I don’t have faith in humanity anymore. Seriously. Most people will have their faith in humanity ‘renewed’ by things, I just regularly have my lack of faith secured over and over again. By shit just like this. Fuck whoever did this, seriously, fuck them right in the skull, skull fuck them, and then

If you truly believe the moon landing was faked, you should also believe that they government already has cures for cancer, AIDS, Ebola, herpes, ugly and stupid, but they are keeping those cures secret so the pharmaceutical companies can make more money.

try the waterbottle with the filter in the bottle. Some are rated to drink out of swamps in africa so it’s going to be able to handle your office water

Extra large fountain drinks.

Wait, so you think water isn’t a basic human right?