pest and cholera choice 2016

That’s rich, raising the prices and using scalpers as an excuse. If the average scalping ticket was $2000, they would raise the regular ticket prices to the same level? There’s a sucker born every minute and those suckers will shell out $849 in the future. Lol

People who know shit about the whole case have been commenting on public websites for days and weeks now. Why are they (you, me, anybody here) allowed to voice their opinions, but he is not, unless he came out in defense of Amber Heard of course?

Funny though, the cops saw no marks and no reddening on her face when they talked to her. It’s almost as if those marks appeared a day or two later, to illustrate the dv accusation.

Got it. As long as an abuser leaves no marks and doesn’t get convicted, abuse hasn’t taken place. is that true for both male and female abusers or just for women with ‘a temper’?

You guys stop at nothing! You hear a story about Heard being an abuser in the past and then you totally disregard the attempt of the female victim to excuse the abuse and totally buy into her explanation that the abuse didn’t happen (‘over-sensationalized’), something you would never do with a suspected male abuser

OK, you got that going for you, but your take on Visconti is still way off. He’s got every right to voice his opinion about today’s pop music, since he’s earned tthose credentials over decades and also produced at lot of artists/bands that could be filed under pop or rock or a mixture of it. Adele has a great live

When describing someone as mediocre, it’s usually used as ‘mediocre white man’. This has almost become a staple when describing professional white men in general, hence white.

Suggested title: ‘My Story - Why A Mediocre White Asian Woman With No Social Skills Couldn’t Make It In The Professional World’

Mojo Nixon, one of my favorite artists. You hate Mojo? Really? White, male and without a sense of humor and devoid of any taste in music. Poor guy!

That self-hatred is strong, isn’t it?

Yes, but let’s face it, to both you and the author, any white man opening his mouth to say anything about a woman is probably an impertinance. That bar is pretty low.

Right. He should have known that the only acceptable idea of songwriting expression these days is either the petty breakup song or the ‘shero’, rising from the ashes of a ‘toxic’ relationship, being stronger than ever. Mix in some lyrics about ‘boys’ or ‘fuckbois’ and you have a winner.

You have no fucking clue what you’re talking about. Visconti a ‘rock snob’? The guy has worked with so many artists, both men and women, covering all kinds of genres over decades. You might want to take a look.

Sharapova used a drug that was pefectly legal until this year for a few weeks into 2016 until she got caught. Armstrong’s whole career was based on drugs, lies and deceit. Paired with his monstrous ego, that let him destroy the lives of those who dared to tell the truth about him, I’d say he’s extremely lucky not to

A hat tip to the man, who doesn’t remind his wife, that it his job, the very job she loves to mock in her art, that pays their bills.

Hmm, this dating/marrying thingy is not a one way street. For every male ‘creep’ exploiting a woman’s sexuality, there seems to be a female ‘gold digger’, exploiting a man’s credit cards. That’s what this is - a man providing for a 30 something woman who happens to be an arts student. Methinks, career wise this isn’t

How many actually ran for office in the last 100 years? You have to declare your candidacy to get on the ballot and give people the opportunity to vote for you.

He’s a bad writer who writes for a bad website.

He hired someone to do the job for him

Paris Hilton *is* a spoiled anf filthy rich brat simply for being Paris Hilton. She’s the poster girl of all rich, spoiled brats.