
The article burred the actual cause. But it’s because the legacy builders haven’t updated their software.

He fired most of the team responsible for the supercharger network. Tesla took US subsidies in exchange for opening up the network, and clearly hasn’t done so at any real scale.

Nationalize this shit. Take the network away from the petulant child.

I truly believe this is a significant reason for the current growth decline of EVs in the United States.

ACAB. And Chicago cops are worse than most apparently. 

All interactions need to be recorded.

What’s worse - the occasional EV truck fire or a diesel semi that constantly spews toxic exhaust?

Are electric vehicles more likely to catch on fire in event of a crash

I would love a comparison deep dive about the risks of crashed and burning electric vehicles vs. ICE. Obviously, a regular semi fire isn’t exactly safe; there’s no way to set a big vehicle full of chemicals on fire in the middle of the road without SOMETHING bad happening. I guess the questions are:

Or what makes it different than a normal semi truck carrying 150 gallons of diesel fuel? Which for the record is also a hazardous material that releases toxic fumes when burned, and doesn’t even need to be mixed with water first for it to leach into the groundwater.

Unless you’re planning to vote for the felon. In that case, don’t bother, it’s a waste of your time, he’s got it all wrapped up. Just stay home & jerk yourselves off.

I’m laughing at the grey CHUD who responded to you in a way that proves it didn’t understand your comment.

Because trickle down economics just doesn’t work. They can never spend enough to stimulate and improve the economy, no matter the economic conditions.

“that even super genius Musk”

I thought they were a robot company now.  All I have to do is send in a resume and he’ll pay me ass loads of money to wear a VR headset.

Donald The Felon is a constantly lying criminal who will let any brainless shit blurt from his lips if he felt it would gain him some momentary advantage in the news cycle. It doesn’t matter if said position contradicts a position that he’s held in the past. His flabby face occupying the news cycle now, now, now is

Even though I don’t think Musk would have a problem adding another job to his long list of jobs he doesn’t really do, I doubt he would even consider signing up for a government position, even if he could do it without ever doing anything more than showing up for a photo-op meeting once every few months.

Musk and EV’s are separate issues, Tesla isn’t an EV company, they’re an AI company now, remember?

and this is exactly why capitalism as we know it will not survive.
it is parallel to the fact that libertarianism cannot survive, at some point, the shitbirds win and the rest of the people rise up and flush the toilet.
Ask Louis the 16th how well that worked out for him.

Thanks Obama!

Yeah, it’s really hard to tolerate complaints from bro-dozer truck owners about gas prices.