I loved that show as a kid, didn’t realize the roof flag was only re-popularized after Jim Crow laws were repealed.
I loved that show as a kid, didn’t realize the roof flag was only re-popularized after Jim Crow laws were repealed.
Washington, Jefferson etc. were traitors, too. So were folks like von Stauffenberg. The problem with the Confederacy isn’t that they were traitors; it’s what they decided to be traitors about. (And it wasn’t “states’ rights”, folks - unless you mean the right of states to perpetuate slavery.)
Also, Kid Rock grew up in a Detroit suburb and moved to DJ to be closer to B-boy culture. Let that sink in:
Rich, suburban midwestern kid moved to Detroit to be closer to Black culture and ended up proudly minstrel-showing his way to riches in front of a Confederate Battle Flag.
Belive it or not, you can appreciate cars while also disliking the fact that a car show laundered Lost Cause propaganda.
The Confederate flag is the equivalent of the Nazi flag.
My favorite Confederate flag trivia is that it was never even the flag of The Confederacy.
Literally the roots of systemic racism... I remember back in 1993 visiting the Atlanta Zoo and going to the “Cylcorama” where I learned that the Civil War was really the “War of Northern Aggression” ! As a Northerner, I felt quite dirty after that hour or so presentation wherein the battle for Atlanta was sorta…
I love how right wing pop culture works. Take a silver spoon kid from a tawny Detroit suburb, then dirty him up and redneck him out and the MAGA crowd loves him. Bonus points for saying tasteless and outrageous things. That demographics’ entire existence is about living in a bubble and echo chamber, they can only…
May all of the neo-Confederates like Rock be inflicted with the dysentery and privation that killed so many of their treasonous role models during the Civil War.
They pray every night that someone will break into their trailers to steal something since they think it would give them the chance to do the one thing they’ve always wanted: Kill another human being. That’s what they all crave desperately.
The weakest minds are also the most armed and most dangerous.
The Supreme Court won’t tolerate this kind of reasonable security for long: They’ll use this as an occasion to rule that all Americans are required to be strapped at all times under penalty of death.
Ammosexuals typically aren’t the most intelligent people.
“If you bring a firearm to the checkpoint with a round in the chamber and the firearm is unholstered, you will be arrested,” Maj. Kelley Collier said in a statement.
Imagine being so fragile and scared of the world that you need to bring a gun with you everywhere to feel tough and safe.
The true(er*) measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good - Samuel Johnson (I think)
Might go back but I would be 100% ghosting and job hunting.
The truest assessment of character is how someone treats people he views as beneath him.
It was simply Musk getting mad at someone for pushing back on what he was asking for and punishing the entire team as part of his tantrum.
I know it sounds like some of that department has been rehired, but I really hope most of them landed elsewhere and told that temper tantrum prone toddler to kick rocks.