Remember that time when Obama wore a tan suit, which he looked incredible in, and Fox News lost their minds?
Remember that time when Obama wore a tan suit, which he looked incredible in, and Fox News lost their minds?
Except Musk didn’t “give us Tesla”. Sure he did help push it into the mainstream, though tike everything he’s involved in, he saw a cool idea, glommed onto it by throwing money at it, then attempted to scrub the names of the actual founders from the annuls of history.
You’re a fucking idiot.
This will sell well to Conservatives.
I’m sorry but that’s such BS. If you watch the clip where she “said” that, it was completely her being ironic and the crowd laughed. I forgot who she said her other favorite was, but the joke was that they were a complete opposite of Mao, so they couldn’t possibly both be her favorite political philosophers.
This may be the second worst thing ever done by a Red Ranger.
Aside from the morality of it, it’s also just stupid. A “heroes and villains” brand comes off like reducing historical figures to fictional characters. Reality as fandom essentially. Which if you view it that way then of course you don’t see the problem with including stuff from Hitler.
“...asked the actor to not include quotes from Hitler—a man who is responsible for the deaths of millions of Jewish men, women, and children...”
I get the feeling you are one of those people who think that capitalism is not responsible for the preventable deaths of the millions who starve, the millions who can’t afford healthcare, etc.
He should’ve countered complaints by saying that people quote Jesus all the time and you could argue his followers have killed FAR more people over time than Hitler could’ve wished. lol
Stop with the Autobahn crap. Plans for the Autobahn were already made in 1920 and the first parts build were around 1927 by Robert Otzen.
Hitler and the NSDAP, and later on every friggin neo-nazi idiot highjacked the same rhetoric that Hitler invented it.
I think you’re taking him too literally, as this is clearly a stunt to make money off merchandise for right wing nutjobs. I recently watched a video of someone infiltrating CPAC and the amount of absolute trash merchandise they have to buy at completely unreasonable prices says it all. Everyone is trying to profit off…
What is up with the Red Rangers being shitty people? We already had one drown an elderly couple by tieing them to the anchor of their boat, another stabbed his roommate with a sword multiple times, and now this BS
“Hitler was, you know, a demon on steroids, but he had some pretty good one-liners.”
I guess he was the White Power Ranger all along, huh.
To be fair, it is *very* easy and profitable to separate Conservative Reactionaries from their money.
I truly don’t understand why people who feel this way continue to visit this site. Literally every single story, no matter the content, context, or author is littered with comments that all feature some variation of:
“lol, imagine calling yourself a (journalist|author|blogger) because you write for…
now now... let’s be constructive. There is definitely room for improvement, so let me suggest an example of how the apology could have been re-written, with intent to apologize for the actual wrongdoing. It’s important to use active language and words like I, we, to indicate that we acknowledge our own role and…
My uncle is working on it.
this isnt a case of 4d Chess. likely whoever at Nintendo is answering Press emails isnt fully aware of who is making what at Nintendo. So it’s easier just to point to the game’s credits instead of giving people an incorrect reply.