
Chances are those Walmart employees work harder every day than you have ever worked in your entire life.

Even if he is allowed in as an inspector, there’s no way Walmart wrote a contract that allows him to record in their stores and post it to YouTube. Their lawyers aren’t stupid. If the managers asked him to stop recording, he would have to, and then he would have no purpose to be there.

There are large swaths of red state America where Walmart manager is one of the best jobs you can get.

He doesn’t make them any money. The workers make all of the money.

While I agree that Mr. Beast is “fuck all for substance”, the subject of this story is minimum wage employees getting abused for YouTube clicks.

While it’s true actual vendors can go in the back and inspect their products, this is a YouTube clown several degrees removed from being an actual vendor. If he cared about restocking he would have told the vendor he contracted to go through the correct channels, but he doesn’t actually care about that, he only cares

Probably. The owners of Walmart care more about one rich douchebag’s feelings than they care about all of their workers put together.

A good store manager would trespass this clown instead of allowing him to harass their employees.

No one is denied suffrage in starship troopers”

If you don’t give someone basic human rights, that’s contempt. Voting is such a right.

Only from reading your description, I see the book hits about half of Umberto Eco’s 14 characteristics of a fascist movement. In particular it’s hitting #10 “contempt for the weak” (ie people who don’t “volunteer” for military service) and #11 “everybody is educated to become a hero”.

The Klan didn’t call for wiping anyone out, either. Neither did most supporters of the German Nazi party. What’s your point, TERF?

You had a week and that’s the smartest thing you could come up with. TERFs really are scraping the bottom of the pony jar.

No, his new superpower is triggering conservatives by identifying as nonbinary.

Nah, I’m done being gaslit.

Someone who constantly shifts and dodges isn’t worth the effort.

No, I don’t have a list. I already said I’m not playing the moving goalposts game that you are so fond of.

I already did: BotW.

I don’t think you know what genderfluid means. How can you claim to be the gatekeeper of what games are queer enough if you don’t even know the terminology?

Again we see you moving the goalposts by including a game that is clearly excluded by your previous criteria, because that game is an indie game and you’re ok with ignoring it.