You do own it. The corporation has gaslit you into thinking you don’t.
You do own it. The corporation has gaslit you into thinking you don’t.
Because the customers bought the shows from Sony. Therefore Sony is the only party with an obligation to the customers. Sony, in turn, has an agreement with Discovery. If Discovery is the bad actor, it’s Sony who needs to resolve it.
“we mostly don’t own the digital stuff we buy”
The goal of the Holocaust was killing Jews. The goal of bombing Cambodia was killing Cambodians. Same evil. You think there's a difference because your side did one of them.
So the fact that Kissinger got Nixon elected president is a redeeming factor for the mass killings and starvation that destroying Vietnam and Cambodia brought on?
I think you’re missing my point. Stalin and Mao were monsters, but they had a purpose beyond consolidating power. Kissinger’s only purpose was getting other monsters like Nixon elected.
Most war criminals are never convicted: Hitler, Pol Pot, Reagan...
True, but development is also much more complicated. FF6 had a dev team of 50-60 for 1 year. BG3 (to use a recent example) was in development for 6 years with a dev team of 450, although not all of them would have been working on the game for the full time. Still, you’re looking at less than a hundred person-years to…
Many people joined the Khmer Rouge because the US bombed their towns and murdered their family and friends.
So, the US dropping more bombs on Camboidian civilians than we dropped in all of WWII had nothing to do with putting Pol Pot in power?
I was thinking of those 3 specifically when I wrote that post. In terms of creating human misery Kissinger is at least *tied* with Stalin and Mao, but unlike those two, he wasn’t responsible for turning an agrarian economy into an industrial economy. Instead, he destroyed countries to win elections for Republicans.
More than Pol Pot, certainly. Kissinger and his war crimes created Pol Pot.
Keep in mind that $60 cartridge would be $120 in 2023 dollars.
I paid more than $60 for SNES games on release, and that was in 90s money. If you take inflation into account, game prices have dropped by half over the last 30 years.
And? He’s easily in the top three greatest monsters of the 20th century. Every news article about him should start off with that.
Right now I think they’re tied.
No, to be snubbed it would first have to be good.
Don’t forget the Ordial Plane, which may or may not exist but is required by both Rule of Threes and Unity of Rings.
“Most “angry white guys who hate women, etc” aren’t upset that women can be heroes, or black people are replacing white characters, or that LGBT stories extist”
For many years there have been non-hybrids that turn the engine off when the car has been stopped for several seconds, like at a red light. When the driver pushes the gas again (or in smarter cars, when the brake is released), the engine starts.