I can just as easily see a story where Kylo is about to strike Rey and Leia shoots him. Because that's also something Leia would do.
I can just as easily see a story where Kylo is about to strike Rey and Leia shoots him. Because that's also something Leia would do.
Not only did he murder his dad, his Grandfather tortured *her* for hours if not days. Luke may have felt good in him but I always kinda wondered if LEAH forgave Vader for the drugs and torture and holding her in place and making her watch Tarkin murder her world. Her Dad, whom her Son did everything he could to…
“My son’s really gone, isn’t he.”
That Kylo spends the first two movies negging and pursuing Rey like a bad pick-up artist, only to get a romantic send-off is one of the parts of TROS which should age even worse that the rest of the film.
Counterpoint: if your son is a mass-murdering psychopath, then maybe the right thing to do is acknowledge that they’ve crossed a line. Leia is not a piece of shit, but she’s also intensely moral and strong. It would break her heart, but I think she would realise that Kylo was not the Ben she used to know.
Agreed, though they kinda wasted it by making him a janitor for most of his time and then having him defect after his first battle.
Why is it that no writer at any point was ever willing to just commit to Kylo being a villain? He’s a wretched little rat bastard, he doesn’t need redemption just because his grandad did. Just let him be evil!
He. Murdered. His. Dad.
Honestly like, It’s totally believable if like, no one showed up in the 6 or so hours they had the beacon up on salt planet just because that’s just not enough time, it’s wild that afterward it’s just the same handful of people on jungle planet.
Yeah. I hate that Leia’s last pleas for the resistance falls on deaf ears, according to JJ. You couldn’t give her that? Just say that it worked. We see no indication that the Resistance is in shambles or falling apart or anything. Just say it worked.
Actually Steve-O was an orphan owned by the television studio...
My lord, the insurance costs on that show to have people attacked by animals and Steve-O as the host (I like him, but production insurance for people with his past is pricey).
Yeah if you are a white woman not interested in introspection. I mean she needed to speak to her side of the room because black women have been trying to save this country for too damn long with no help from women that look like her. Sorry if the truth hurts but the 47 % club needs to speak to the 53% club & tell them…
Get rid of the windshield to replace it with some fugly retractable deflector panel on the nose, brilliant!
I feel like any time a Brand is asked to comment on making their product “for women” or “for men” or “for (insert demographic here)”, they should default to “our products are for everyone who wants them” rather than circumlocute themselves into cringey statements like they typically do. And then actually follow…
The EB110 still looks better than the Veyron to this day
Plot twist, that’s not snow.
The OT hangs together waaaaaaay better than it should despite the lack of planning. But I think a huge part of that was Lucas having this universe in his head. Yeah, stuff got tweaked majorly throughout, but it all stemmed from Lucas.
This new trilogy stemmed from no one.