Begs the a “car bombing” just called “bombing” or “murder”?
Begs the a “car bombing” just called “bombing” or “murder”?
Perfect. This will give me an excuse when I mow down a couple of onlookers when I leave our local C&C meet.
This is the kind of utterly pointless and over-the-top useless feature that should definitely be equipped in other utterly pointless and over-the-top supercars.
I wouldn’t call pushrod suspension unique, it’s pretty much a staple of racing and offroading. As for road cars, it’s unusual, but definitely not unheard of in this price bracket. The Aventador used a similar design and that came to market in 2011.
I’m with you. A Bangle butt juts out with an obnoxious bulge that does not click with the rest of the car’s styling. This blended-in spoiler accentuates the car’s rear end nicely.
Bullshit - Piech wasn’t expecting the best, he was expecting compliance at all cost with his megalomaniacal demands. He was directly responsible for instilling a culture that resulted in Dieselgate and tremendous quality issues that plagued VAG for decades, all while wasting a bunch of resources on halo projects to…
Pretty well? Ferrari has had immense progress since 2022 and is solidly 2nd best team/car at the moment.
Exactly. The new one already looks like the old one was ‘AI’ed into being a 2024 model.
I first heard of him just a little over a year ago maybe and watched a couple reviews. I thought he was an amateur reviewer because of how ill informed he was on the products and the market. Haven’t watched since.
I think they trust his reviews because he does speak so confidently and intelligently. I stopped watching him a long time ago because I started to get the vibe he was shilling for certain companies.
I’m pretty sure most post-launch cosmetic items are outsourced so the reduced quality isn’t all that surprising.
It’s like they say, you can’t go racing without a Helmut...
AMR had the bare carbon in the same spots last year. Guess it wasn’t noticeable.
but... but... but... ‘investment!’
This is a beautiful version of a classic era Benz before everything turned into beep-boop computers and screens.
I had a 93 W124 sedan. Great car. Ride like a cloud. Surprisingly quick.
Anecdote. I had this car when I lived on Miami Beach. People would compliment it constantly. One day we had some pretty serious…
911 Turbo S has essentially this much power, and that’s what it’s priced against. Ferrari Roma has over 600, and is lighter. Seems like they’re just catching up to the competition.
The best part about the Outback Sedan was that it was called a SUS 😹
I walk past one in West Hollywood all the time and I just think “sus” lol
I’m down with this. Thankfully they used one of the “ugly” ones with the funny strakes all over, and not a classic looking one. Also, that front bumper is kind of ugly and I dont like that, they could have designed something better IMO. Black box with 3 mushy looking air intakes is not elegant.