
To be fair, the the Gran Turismo looks like the old one run through an image generator. Familiar, pretty good replication, but kinda melty.

I did when I saw them poach every lead designer from big German manufacturers back in 2010s: Peter Schreyer, Luc Donckerwolke, SangYup Lee, Karim Habib, Filippo Perini, etc...

Like F1... without any of the glamor or attractions.

I’m not really talking about you per se. I’m more concerned about younger generation of viewers for whom videos like this are the only source of information who take internet vloggers as the ultimate authority in an era when the lines between journalism/consumer advocacy/critique/content/factionalism are more blurred

No he is pretty bad. He was smart to invest in a sleek presentation style, which is why people watch his videos, but he’s often wrong with basic, easily googleable facts. You’d want someone with such a big following would do more research as their audience grows (which is what uninformed audience would expect), but

It’s fascinating reading design briefs from earlier days of Overwatch and seeing designs now because they used to stress the importance of instantly recognizable silhouettes and signature clothing items (despite hilariously busy design details), but I guess none of it matters now!

I figured CJ was making those soup dumplings for TJ’s once CJ started selling similar products under their own Bibigo brand and they came in almost identical packaging as TJ’s. 

Max doesn’t even hide that his dad abused him. He just doesn’t call it abuse himself, but he still randomly drops traumatic memories matter of factly at pressers. Max like mentioned that Jos used to call him something unsuitable for camera in this year’s F1 promo vid.

They’re almost certainly going to ignore all this even though you can make a full season out of it because it makes F1 look bad, unless somehow all this resolves with FOM looking like heroes at the end.

BusinessF1 Magazine is the same “publication” that peddled Toto Wolff / Susie Wolff rumor that FOM forced FIA to shoot down, and lost multiple libel suits against F1 figures, so... not giving too much credence to this particular “report”.

Being cheap. 

Clearly it’s just regular bovine dairy with chunks of Chocobo meat folded in.

We know a lot of rich assholes have no taste and are dumb, but who are these people spending $30,000,000 on cars that aren’t even unique!???

The Artura looks too boring for a car with that kind of a price tag but transparent glass buttresses are actually pretty cool. And practical (eversoslightly).

The Artura actually looks like a regression compared to the vaguely alien looking 720S/750S despite being newer.

like it might for a manufacturer photo shoot

I love Zagato, but let’s not kid ourselves. They’ve made lumpy farts in the past.

What are the chances that it’ll be a vaguely berry-ish, disappointingly flat and cloyingly sweet flavor like all of these recent limited edition flavors? 

There’s a whiff of Zagato about it. (compliment??)

What do you mean I’m a hypocrite for criticizing Red Bull for staying the same yet praising Aston Martin?