
The parents look related to one another (I mean before presumably being husband and wife).

The thing is if Mcintosh had been a “minority student,” then I doubt Rick Perry would have taken time out of his precious schedule to attack Brooks.

I’m so sure Tomi is more liberal than she leads us on. I don’t think she buys even 50% of what she says.

All day I’ve been reading the Tomi Lahren headlines as, “Woman Lies Down With Dogs, Gets Fleas”

And that blouse is wearing an even uglier soul.

To be fair, she is brilliant. Evil, but brilliant.

These fucking goons are being deliberately dishonest about how insurance works, and about how principles of economics don’t apply to all things successfully, healthcare and education being two of those things. We make everyone get car insurance and home insurance, that’s how it works. Can I pay my taxes à la carte,

I wonder where Trump got a sudden urge to start purging more officials?

I’m a high school English teacher, and I plan to punch one of my colleagues in his throat when he makes his first condescending or misogynistic (or both) comment.

The guys who threatened Brennan and his family know that they’ve almost certainly earned themselves dishonorable discharges, right? Because while the investigation into the image swapping might not lead to more than a few token pieces of discipline, threatening a fellow armed services member for exposing criminal

Their entire intent was to create fear, to show this family, even in their own home they are not safe. Even at a child’s bday party. Fuck them. I drink their tears like i do Holtzclaw’s. Cry you sociopathic morons, cry for your inability to get off scott free. At least the system got it barely right this time.

Kim Jong Orange, like most despots and tyrants, lacks the ability to laugh at himself.

Wonder how many confederate flag wavers are telling Hillary supporters “you lost, get over it”?

The ones that are still rabidly supporting him are pathetic and small-minded and they will be there until the bitter end praising the Dick Traitor. There are others who are quietly backing away and hoping that no one remembers their #MAGA hashtags, tacky shirts and the bullshit they were shouting.

He knows you exist, he simply wants you to suffer for it.

Their beef is legitimate insofar as the media are now Trump’s enemy, and CNN is making a go ($) of this whole “news” thing for once. Clinton is gone. Obama is gone. He needs a simple scapegoat with which to continue his persecution trope to the low-info talk-radio crowd, and he doesn’t want to draw attention to any

Oh man. Speaking of burning, I’ve been horribly wondering why people don’t set klansmen on fire when they’re all dressed up in those kkk robes & hoods.

I am so tired of these people. All of them. I don’t have the energy for witty jokes or searching down funny gifs. I hate everyone of my fellow white people who voted for this piece of shit and his corrupt disgusting family. I dream of them all burning to death. I can’t even imagine how it must be for PoC to live with

This is exactly how you engender even more negative coverage.