
I dunno…even with all the dark stuff in season 5 (which, of course, was the best season of Mad Men imho), I still think on a whole, S6 is actually darker. Individual moments in S5 were darker, most certainly. But I think S6 has an overall darker tone, especially considering the quiet desperation that most of the

The individual who goes by "Flying Saucer Attack"…is this a reference to the great mid-90s folk/distorto-fedback-laden/post-rock band fronted by Dave Pearce?

Right there with you on Skyrim, etc. Same thing happened to me with Morrowind, Dragon's Dogma, all the Etrian Odyssey games (Class of Heroes/Wizardry/dungeon crawls in general), Demon's Souls (even though I finished the first playthrough), Dark Souls, Diablo III…the list goes on. Personally, I'd rather not finish a

Pixies-Debaser (Doolittle)
My Bloody Valentine-Only Shallow (Loveless)
Stereolab-Tone Burst (Transient Random-Noise Bursts With Announcements)
Guided by Voices-Hardcore UFOs (Bee Thousand)
Mazzy Star-Disappear (Among My Swan)

I'm pretty sure My Bloody Valentine is considered possibly even more influential than Nirvana when it comes to bands/albums of the 90s.

Wesley Willis is not on that list?  What could be better than "Suck a pitbull's dick?"

One of my all-time fave GbV songs (that snuck up on me, and took many, many listens to enter the upper echelons) is from Mag Earwhig!. Jane of the Waking Universe blows everything else on that album completely out of the water (excepting I Am a Tree, which is amazing in its own right). Bulldog Skin (and later, Glad

I didn't check through 610 comments, so this might have already been mentioned, but the Sister Christian scene in Boogie Nights involves them selling fake cocaine, not buying, as the article stated.  This is a HUGE reason the scene works so well, especially after they see the Uzi strapped to the big bodyguard/henchman

This reminds me of the kid eating spaghetti in the filthy bathtub in Gummo.  "Mmm…spaghetti."

The Hawkwind song in Rock Band (Master of the Universe) is aces.

Re: Blockbuster PVT…yeah, picked it up that way myself.