I for one am done giving people a pass for shitty stuff just cuz they did it a long time ago. I managed to get through college without applying a claw hammer to someone’s nuts. It’s a low bar.
I for one am done giving people a pass for shitty stuff just cuz they did it a long time ago. I managed to get through college without applying a claw hammer to someone’s nuts. It’s a low bar.
I also like how she throws BLM in with violence. Someone needs to ask her to point to a single instance of BLM sponsored violence. Just one. Anywhere. Since they’re violent and all.
Apparently these clowns think that only black people are opposed to fascism. Or more likely, they don’t even know what “antifa” is short for. They heard the word on Faux News and it just automatically become a boogeyman.
That she not be “both sides”-ed into normality by people who want to act like she is just a “conservative” “voice of the people” when she actually spouts absolute bullshit conspiracy theories?
Promoting Pizzagate is just “wrongthink”? It mystifies me that this kind of absolute bullshit is being played off as some “conservative” counterbalance to the standard “liberal” entertainment.
The very idea that those protesting Roseanne are like Dan Quayle going after Murphy Brown is laughable on its face. It’s ridiculous. Like the article itself, your take is bad and ignores that Trump voters aren’t making any effort to meet anyone else halfway. Why are they deserving to receive that courtesy when they do…
Your “question no one here will answer” got answered by someone here in 25 minutes. That victory lap was a short one.
Nah, all we have to do is make any unlawful death payouts come out of the police pension fund instead of the general fund. Cops will immediately start policing their own if their money was on the line.
Because nobody gives as much of a shit as you think.
That was in the show? Seriously? So not only do they think Black-ish and Fresh off the Boat, the only two “black and Asian family” shows on the network, constitute “all,” they think what they represent can be easily dismissed with a snarky, cliche one-liner.
Yeah, I don’t see how “Let’s take a crap all over diverse television” isn’t having an agenda. The agenda is clear, and it’s racism.
If your show is “balanced” without an “agenda”, then you’re just advocating for the status quo and mealy-mouthed apathy. Every show has politics in it; you just might be inured from seeing them since they conform to your world view.
“I mean, look. Yeah, Roseanne tweeted vile conspiracies about the Parkland students. But that was FORTY EIGHT HOURS ago. Most of us weren’t even alive back then!”
She was re-tweeting and amplifying a conspiracy theory that Democrats are working with the Church of Satan to steal children into sexual slavery.
“Anybody can dig into anybody’s stuff and find stuff.”
“That sure fucks up the narrative,” one tweet Don Jr. very much liked, from a writer at the right-wing outlet PJMedia, read.
CNN has overstepped their 1st Amendment rights and needs to be punished.
Far Left is driven by anger & hatred
I’m not voting for another stinkin’ measure when they’re acting the way they’re acting.
Please stop trolling.