If you think that people having negative opinions about someone helps to kickstart their career, you may not know how careers work. Either way though, you seem like you’d be really fun at parties.
If you think that people having negative opinions about someone helps to kickstart their career, you may not know how careers work. Either way though, you seem like you’d be really fun at parties.
Yeah, it’s not like he lost his child in a school shooting and was immediately accused of being a crisis actor; threatened and harassed by people who claim his child never existed.
I would say it just shows how so many of these depraved d-bags that get caught being depraved, lack any integrity. So much so that, instead of trying to be better people or looking inward, they move towards the other end of the aisle where toxic hyper-masculinity and entitlement prevail (as well as cruel, “punching…
My life is over.
You’re right that Tumblr is falling apart, but you’re wrong about the ‘why’. Yahoo purchasing the site had nothing to do with it. Oh sure, a ton of people complained, and the new “features” added to the site since then have certainly flopped, but the exodus began before then.
Most of the people complaining about Yahoo…
Fooling who? Whether through NSP, Game Grumps, Game Grumps Live, the various national and world tours he’s done, various interviews, various guest spots on other shows, or his football podcast, Danny has always worn his emotions on his sleeve and is always genuine.
A-freaking-men. I’m a huge fan too, and none of their songs ever come off as pandering or fame-seeking. They’re just a pair of musically-inclined dorks who like to have fun with their songs. It’s that sincerity that’s peeked through the sex jokes and self-deprecation that people have connected with so loyally over the…
This, plus everything I see of them they really seem like genuine nice, positive people, which is a nice change of pace from the seething cynics that the genre seems to proliferate.
One of the things I’ve really gotten from both NSP and game grumps is about how success and change come at any point in your life. Its really helped me as I’ve gotten older. I’ve heard the advice from others, about how your choices don’t lock you into things and almost no choice is permanent, ect, but it seems more…
I dunno—as an unabashed NSP fan, I’ve gotta say that their willingness to not only mock the musical traditions they so excellently model (80s stadium rock being a big part of that)—but themselves as well—makes me think this is less about “begging for viral fame” than it might be an earnest attempt to write something…
I honestly don’t like a lot of the gaming Youtubers, but Game Grumps are pretty consistently funny. It helps that they actually have improv training.
Danny’s such a cool positive dude. I want a Sexbang/Andrew WK collaboration.
For those wondering, Finn is a big fan on game grumps, and has guested on the show.
Mother fucker you just compared a millionaire losing a goddamn tv show to the ritualistic murder of black people. Are you fucking kidding me? Go to hell.
Ideally, Roseanne Barr would not be peddling conspiracy theories and overt racism, but sadly she had to ejaculate every vile thought in her head. Somehow, Roseanne will see herself as the victim in all this.
Most reasonable people like to see racist scum fail.
I know. Intolerance of intolerance is the worst kind of intolerance, isn’t it.
I was making fun of her fear at a permit holding gun owner
Someone should tell him that plastic explosive is an inanimate object. Why isn’t every gun owner allowed to pack a few pounds of high explosives in case the government turns bad, as their arguments seems to run? Or, while we’re at it, nuclear ordinance? Bring the Mutually Assured Destruction down to grassroot levels!
So this is their big “defense”? That guns are inanimate objects so there’s no point in banning them? How stupid are these Republicans? You have to actively try to be that stupid, which he’s succeeding at with flying colors.