
Beer the Gawking Ned

When i like people who get in people's faces, i call the cummers

He named it Edie Falcon

I remember it was after an 8th grade dance that my group was hanging out in a diner in South Jersey when we saw the chase play out on the screen. Up until then, the case had been happening in the background. With the Bronco chase, it became the focus of everyone's attention, instantly. The circus had started for real.

Look, the truth is, I will see this…on Netflix or Xfinity on-demand, at some point. It saddens me because I was weaned on Superman (Donner) and later Batman (Burton and even later Nolan). I still shed some tears when I see Superman II because its so fucking good, regardless of how campy it all looks in retrospect.

Don't know if this one has been used yet but…"Yawn" of Justice?

Skinner: " You see everything in Black and White."
Ryan: Not Black and White…Right or WRONG!"

What, no Millennium reboot?

What happened to Cud? That seemed shortlived

"Hey lady, how about we take off your head!"


I think both queer and minority cinemas need to up their game. Its been proven that when there are good films that come out from them, they are recognized. I haven't seen it, but by all accounts Chi-raq is kind of a mess. I haven't seen Carol but didn't it get a best supporting actress nomination? If Tyler Perry maybe

The heat was on in his hands…with his Rheumatoid Arthritis and all


Man, I'm trying to produce my World of Warcraft version called "Merlock"

Bowie is dead to me until he admits how awesome his work on Labyrinth was. (jk, love him forever and good to see this album is quality)

:) I personally thought it wasn't that good but it's grown on me. I even hated the opening credits sequence until I found myself humming the theme throughout the week. I would say you need to get to at least ep 4 for it to start working but give a go if you can find the time. It's about around that time the

I hate it when someone reads a comment about a comment then says "I'll pass." How difficult is it to at least watch the first ep or two before making a decision?

I think by the ballpark episode, the series starts to establish itself. It's a little bit of a mess before that but the first few eps of anything have a tendency to be weak because they establishing everything. Most people thought BoJack was terrible after first six episodes but it soon after it became one of best

Strasser is on syndicated entertainment news shows all time - she is doing well. Alison was great on Carolla and I always thought they had a great report. My guess is they just grew apart as the few years went by and that was that. I think a little more egregious was how it all went down but firings are never pretty.