
She certainly doesn't think of herself as darkness. She's not trying to do evil. She is lower than low in her own mind now because I think she thinks she is a charlatan. Resurrecting Jon will give her some more confidence and then she will aid in the battle for the world. She needs to pay in death for what she did to

well, absolutely.

I think she might realize she needs to die to…but not before taking out some white walkers

Now, how about pitching a few innings on DMT? I wanna see that.

I think if your trip becomes "All I need to do is just get the ball over the plate" and you have the physical capability (i.e. throwing arm is in good shape), as long as you don't get distracted, you could be fine, and in the process, inadvertently throw a no-hitter if a couple things fall your way throughout the

I thought Mellisandre looked especially ragged after returning to the Wall. I think she doubts herself. Main theory is she will breathe life back into Jon Snow - maybe she will find she does have powers and can be used for the good fight. As much as she sucks for killing Shireen, maybe she will find some sort of

Are you still human if a bunch of people around you dissapear? That isnt supposed to happen to humans

may be its because they don't give a shit about getting nowhere in a hurry anymore

I think Usual Suspects was one of the few films I've seen that weren't ruined prior. Regarding Peak Spacey…I think his dying lines in Outbreak were the soaring heights of his career.

I didn't even catch the triumph of the will line right after because it happens so fast. It's funny not so much because of the lines, but because Jared is oblivious that he is quoting Nazis

The dishes are done, man


Done and done. He is going to die and if we're lucky, we'll get maybe one redeeming moment. He's at Mad King levels of crazy and not even on the throne yet. I think Westeros, after Aerys and all the bullshit, doesn't want mad kings. They don't really care if they are incest kings, or rape kings, but definitely not mad

Pod marries Sansa and assumes title of wardeness of the north

simmer down comic book guy

Anyone catch "work will set you free" line? That was the saying written in steel above the gates of auschwitz.

I think the tv show is way more palatable than the books, albeit at the expense of detail( i.e. the joys of lemoncakes and garlic'd squirrel (been so long I think I'm making these up but you get the point)). I think GRRM is a sadist and wants to take what you hold dear and crush it. That's the ride we signed up for

then stop watching if its so horrible. Sorry you felt sad something happened in something you liked that you didn't agree with. I think it needed to happen it just sucked that it did.

Yes so sad this series is amazing.

Maybe the best we can hope for is moment of clarity from Stannis when all can really use his actual fighting skills. He realizes he made some huge mistakes and his now he's gotta do what he needs to do to save whoever needs to be saved.