Persona non persona

If you continue to watch the video at 2:20 there’s a close-up of the hat.

130lb kid with wire hanger shoulders wisely didn’t test himself against the old man. Old guy working at a gas station means he’s had decades of barely surpressed anger/disappointment/struggles just waiting to erupt.

1993 called, they want your backwards hat back. Get that shit off of it before you send it, though.

The way this article wrote it is bad. The FBI has thousands of employees doing many things. Do you not think they can monitor white supremacists at the same time? There are a lot of different extremist groups. Just yesterday there was an article about the FBI stopping a kid from killing black people at Howard Univ.

Yep. Democrats and Republicans are totally different.

She is a lawyer. You don’t want her to represent Weinstein, give her more money to drop her client.

Hold me close now Tony Danza....

“Alicia! Who does that song that goes lala bumpity pow?”

He, and Lisa Bloom, can fuck right off with this “dinosaur learning new ways” (direct quote from Bloom in the article). He’s 64, not 106. My father-in-law is 81. He was a top boy in the banking industry in his youth, including doing finance for many films in London in the 60s and 70s. The man has some amazing tales.

Hi All,

Because he didn’t want to and nobody made him.

Did his PR team tell him to use the NRA to deflect in his press statement or was that his own idea? What a fuckhead.

I think this is another example of a basic theme running through io9 for a while now — that its staff members are openly contemptuous of the very topic they are nominally covering, and the very audience they are nominally serving.

Is this a younger person thing? It’s a slow movie. With a slow burn. A lot of movies from the 80s were that way, and I think if you grew up watching more recent movies your attention span might not allow you to sit still to really take in the view..if you think Bladerunner was boring, try watching Star Trek: The

If your job doesn’t pay you enough, find another one. The consumers don’t owe you money because you “work hard”.

I’ve never had a salesman add anything to the sale of a vehicle, not once, not ever, hell I’ve never even had one that didn’t function as an obstacle to buying the car. I have on the other hand walked away from a few dealers because the salesman either wouldn’t stop laying, or tried way too hard to sell me something I

What a ridiculous attitude. Why should I feel bad for haggling at a dealership when said dealer is more than happy to tack on stupid fees and upcharges on the so-called MSRP?

I get it: you work in car sales and feel the need to defend your honour. Here’s an idea: change industries to one that is defensible.

I’ve owned

The irony of your comment is that if they made a law to make everyone pay full price, then there would no longer be a need for salesmen. Build it online and buy it. Be careful what you wish for.

You know the beauty of buying bananas? I don’t have a salesperson trying to sell me bananas. I know I want bananas. I know I want 6 bananas. I know the condition of the bananas I want. I don’t need some idiot telling me I really want 4 apples.