Persona non persona

the nut on the bus goes pound pound pound

There were only two scenes featuring it in this movie where I was like...really? What’s the point? (A scene where Gos is taking drone footage of giant statues of naked women, it’s like 3 minutes long and could have been cut entirely, and a scene where a “newborn” replicant is examined by her creator.) The others, I

I saw it as a matinee on Friday and I loved it. I thought it was amazing from start to finish. My feeling though is you would have to see the original to appreciate what a magnificent job Denis Villeneuve has done to maintain the integrity of Ridley Scott’s vision.

I love the original Blade Runner and really want to see this. I don’t understand why this movie wouldn’t appeal to women. All I can think of is that maybe the fan base for the original is mostly men and if you haven’t seen the original you won’t be drawn to this version? Plus it’s got great reviews.

Yep, because people would still be pissed that their McDonalds didn’t have it, or that they didn’t get enough of it, or whatever.

“So, listen, it’s clearly ridiculous that in this year of our eldritch lord 2017 anyone would start shouting or protesting or whatever about a limited-time condiment run.”

If you went to McDonald’s for their nasty-ass chicken nuggets just to get some sauce because a cartoon character raved about it, you are one of the most gullible fools ever. You got played by a cartoon and a mega-corporation.

If you waited in line for hours to get said sauce, you have officially failed at life.

Worst fandom ever confirmed or nah?

Wow, this article really makes me dislike the human race even more. That people are too stupid to understand how supply chains work and are so fucking entitled that they feel since they didn’t get their special sauce they are somehow being cheated is just pathetic. I mean seriously, bait and switch?! People are using

Yeah, you have to remember that it’s way more than just skin colour. Black man don’t tend to have hair as straight as Worf’s, and they’d generally have trouble growing Fu Mancu moustaches

I’m a white guy so maybe there’s some detail I am unaware of but I never thought “these guys look African”. I actually thought “they look more alien”. I also never thought “these are bad guys”. I thought “oh, this is a allegory about cultural misunderstanding and both sides are determined to impose their values on

At this point we have both parties arguing semantics of the name Obamacare. Both parties feel that our current healthcare system needs revision, one calls it Obamacare 2.0, the other says they are repealing it.

Yep. Its like when democrats say that want to work with republicans for sensible gun control, they want no such thing, they want to destroy 2A.

You’re reaching, especially with this

Obamacare has major flaws. The costs are not sustainable. Trump SHOULD work with Democrats as well as Republicans to fix them.

Um. The most “African” they’ve ever looked? Worf and T’Kuvma are played by two black dudes. Just WTF? Do folks think there are “Africans” (a whole fucking continent filled with people of varying shades of human colored skin) with forehead ridges or do they mean the Klingons look radically different from the movies and

Wait, the ACLU thinks that freedom is relying on a government mandated benefit provided by a giant corporation?

I refuse to convict this man without a trial