Persona non persona

Because it’s in a classroom setting and the Supreme Court has looked upon schools as an extension of the government because it’s funded by tax dollars no also because school attendance is mandatory. This does not apply to your employer. The First Amendment only protects you from the government interfering with your

You really don’t get that? You have freedom of speech, not freedom of repercussions for free speech. They are there to do a job, they can’t listen to their favorite headphones (if they aren’t a sponsor) or wear their favorite shoes (if they aren’t a sponsor), and I imagine there are contract requirements that prevent

The same way it’s legal for the league to make them wear a certain uniform. There’s a big difference between what the government can make you do (your rights) and what an employer can make you do. For instance, the government can’t throw you in jail for speaking your mind. Your employer can fire you.

I was going to suggest that the engine had to be rebuilt twice (in 7.51 minutes) but your idea makes more sense.

The videos had to be edited since the cameras were also manufactured by Alfa, and thus broke down during the shoot.

Thank you NBA for reminding the world that players are employees.

No I feel like this guy used some very good literary devices to make it enticing

Can a Craigslist ad get COTD? This guy deserves it.

Can we stop beating up on Sergio?

Maserati loves company.

Why do I want it? Is there something wrong with me?

Fantastic, I’ve proceeded spit coffee all over my screen and mouse. Rendering them both about as useless as this Maserati...

“You spend your entire existence here questioning everything progressives say. “

You must not have a lot of history reading my posts and comments.  

Michelle Obama went to a school and read Seuss, was that an empty gesture?

She doesn’t seem to know Dr Seuss’ writing very well. “The Sneetches” is a commentary on racism, and one of my favourites of his for that reason. He wasn’t afraid to tackle important issues, presenting them in a way that children could appreciate and internalise. See also: “The Lorax,” which was a stark warning about

She’s also a hypocrite.

Small 6-Year-Old Child: Can I have Cat in the Hat?

I don’t like the Trumps, but wow this librarian is a piece of work.

It would of been funny, I think. Probably would of started another fight on its own too.”...Lexis drove over...” “I didn’t drive anything!”