Persona non persona

I agree that they are generally well protected, but I’ve seen situations go south very quickly. Rifle caliber ammo rips through most of the ballistic armor that they carry, so it’s great against handguns but not a lot else. Generally, if SWAT is called (and I don’t know why they were in this situation) it’s for a

Did you bother reading the rest of my comment or just stop there?

You walked into an active SWAT scene. What did you expect to happen? There was a shooting and they have zero idea if the person walking out the door is the one who did the shooting, a victim, or some random person. They are going to cover you, order you to the ground, cuff you, frisk you, and sort out who you are and

Storage is cheap up to a point. Most of the cost of body camera programs is storage requirements. You are talking up to 10,000 hours of video per week of 720p or 1080p video. That has to be stored for a minimum of a year.
For example 1080p cameras on 200 officers for 24 hours, medium quality, 25fps for a year is

The original word origin, yes. However, that’s not the current definition.

Electrocution covers injury as well.

That’s what Ferrari needs, another potential source of fires.

I worded it poorly. What I meant to convey is that companies will sometimes only build a coupe that’s manual or rear wheel drive. They won’t bother to build a sedan like that. So the choice isn’t between one model that’s a coupe and one that’s a sedan , both with different features. The choice is between getting a

A coupe is, in general, lighter and has lower center of gravity making for better handling. I’m not sure why you think they get worse gas mileage.
In some instances, buying the coupe is the only way to get RWD and/or a manual transmission.

Usually it’s the people that run this site. If you take a character who was a minority and make them a non-minority, you are “white washing”. If you don’t, you are a racist. There is no winning with that crowd.

I do, and my property taxes are based on my home’s assessed value capped at 1% per year.

They did that here as well. Our property taxes are capped by the state constitution now at 1% of the home’s value (unless you have a pool for some reason).

I have never been there. Is it a bit different?

They’ve also faced harassment from neighbors who believe that Fixer Upper homes are raising their property taxes.

I never said it wasn’t a big deal. I think you are reading into my comment something that isn’t there.

I’m taking the New York Times at their word. They have talked to several people involved in the meeting. If it was just Trump Jr. then, no, I wouldn’t believe it. However, the New York Times is not exactly a Trump friendly publication.

It sounds like there was never any intention of helping Trump with the election during the meeting. The Russians had to dangle something irresistible in front of his people to get them to agree to the meeting. As soon as they arrived, that pretext was thrown out the window, and the real purpose of the meeting was

Nope. Not every evil behavior is a “mental health issue”.

Learn to read. Even your definition says “aggressive”, not “aggressor”.

Firing ballistic missiles and testing nuclear weapons is not belligerent? What North Korean government agency employs you?