Basically yes. He’s white and male so who cares. Only women need to be respected, only non-white people need to be respected. It’s a one way street you see!
Basically yes. He’s white and male so who cares. Only women need to be respected, only non-white people need to be respected. It’s a one way street you see!
Ahh yes, the system of greys. That sure is elitist for a website that seems to espouse egalitarian values.
Yeah sure, nobody ever exploited welfare or used it as a crutch for bad decisions thus enabling their continued misfortune.
I agree restricting access to birth control and family planning services is pretty dumb. Nice job jumping to conclusions though.
The problem is people who have kids when they can’t afford to properly provide for them.
I am white, male and upper-middle class. HI!!!!
Kids will starve if you don’t vote Democrat? lol...try not to resort to hyperbole too much.
Yeah you did, but nice try. Trump won! Ha ha ha loser.
It’s like you want to be against people, but then cry injustice after you have succeeded.
I always a appreciate a good psychoanalyzing, however you’re off in your assumptions. My non-divorced, self made parents loved me and provided too good of an upbringing, with plenty of hugs and no spankings even piano lessons, summer camp, trips to Europe. However you do raise a good question, what compels me to seek…
So you hope bad fortune falls on people? Wow.....and you fancy yourself a good person or something? seem like an insufferable asshole.
Do you drive a car powered by your own sense of self satisfaction?
Oh my god! You’re so racist!
You’re an idiot.
You’re an idiot.
You’re an idiot.
You’re an idiot.
You’re an idiot.
White people suck.