
SCOTUS won’t pick it up because they’ve already ruled on it. What’s more is that the cop’s “I didn’t know” defense here doesn’t really hold up, since ignorance of the law isn’t an excuse for breaking it - he violated her rights with this little power trip. And as much as people are giving her shit for winning this

The other ruling, from around the same time, that I wish I could find the citation for:

Earth is home to all humans, borders just separate us, they are an outdated idea that needs to go.

This is what, the third or fourth killer or would-be killer who’s specifically named Trump as an inspiration? I’m too tired to actually go count. Also:

“Bloody foreigners, coming to our country, taking our jobs, imposing their way of life on us. I won’t stand for it!”

In the late 1970s a teenager flipped off a sheriff’s deputy from the back of a school bus. The cop pulled over the bus and slapped the cuffs on the kid. The kid’s father was a lawyer, and he made a federal case out of it. SCOTUS ended up ruling that the social finger no longer had a sexual meaning, and thus could not

It’s always projection with these fascists.

Get em!!

Worded a little awkwardly. 11 judges ruled for the majority opinion, 4 of which Trump appointed in just 2 years. 6 judges in the dissent. 17 judges total in the opinion:

As long as he keeps stuffing the courts with reactionary shitbirds, both his base and the Senate GOP will continue to support him. Their dream is a court system stacked bottom to top with right-wing ideologues, ready and willing to eviscerate every piece of civil rights legislation passed since Eisenhower.

Even the attorney who originally was arguing the case on behalf of cutting funding to Planned Parenthood, Eric Murphy, has since been made a judge by Trump.

This was a very enjoyable read. Every part of it. Remind me who the snowflakes are supposed to be?

You honestly think Trump gives a damn about the death of Americans?

And should even more Republicans join the Democrats, not only would the measure pass easily, but it could push it into veto-proof territory, despite the president’s promise to reject the measure once it reaches his desk.

This would be no bad thing.

The big takeaway here is that Trump’s phony emergency declaration has forced us into a position where future emergency declarations must pass legislation, causing a delay in urgently needed disaster relief funds and subsequently the deaths of many Americans. Just look at how great again we’re getting made!

That’s really his plan? “Just let us get away with this one.”

All the Democrats that lead the attack against Ilhan Omar in the age of Trump should lose their jobs. If Pelosi, Hoyer, Wasserman Schultz, and the rest don’t face primary challenges then the whole party is rotten.

Protect her at all costs.