
BTW: I didn’t mean “quit your job - thank you.”

Thank You.

Mentally, you’re already on a first name basis with them. That’s dangerous! Beware!

I will quit my teaching job before I allow someone to arm me. Period.

Over-worked, under paid, under appreciated and surrounded by shitty kids? Yes give that person a firearm.

Using Trump’s and the NRA’s own logic, if no one had a gun then no one would need a gun. I saw we start there.

Ok, not a Perez Hilton fan but have to leap to his defence here. Any parent of young kids knows that they see you naked constantly. In the morning my bathroom is like a rave in Ibiza (only not fun), we’re all running around naked trying to get ready. Any accusations of Hilton being a pedophile for showering with his

Well since ocean acidification is going cause mass fish extinction in the not so distant future, we may as well catch and eat all the fish we can now.

Amazing! And a good demonstration of what can happen when we have federal funding for the arts!

The problem is guns. Not mental illness, not misogyny, not male entitlement. Those are other problems, with other solutions. The problem causing mass shootings is guns.

I was looking for a gif that would appropriately convey how stupid this movie will be, but I accidentally found this treasure instead.

Actually, tightrope walkers are excellent at controlling the spot of their impact, minimizing collateral damage should they fall #notallacrobats

Yep. Seconded. Never jumping out of a functioning plane.

Spears shall be shaken! Sheilds shall be shattered! A sword day! A red day, ere the sun rises!

Cue a torrent of acrobatsplaining.

I haven’t seen anything this outrageous in high school football in Texas since last week.

America, where poking fun at Hispanics is fair game and hilarious, but doing the same to Blacksmakes you a racist social pariah. Asshat.

Having many years in the photochopping industry myself, never trust anything you see on a screen or print. Hell, even what you hear. There are people that are hired to tweak just about everything.