I hate to say this, but I think he’s mostly pissed about the lost royalties.
I hate to say this, but I think he’s mostly pissed about the lost royalties.
The only problem with your point is that it makes sense, is reasonable, and demonstrates intelligence. All of those things are bad if you like the NRA.
Fucking exactly. But facts are for pussies, apparently.
Someone did have a gun, but, you know facts and shit are for socialists.
We are afraid that when it comes time for sex, they won’t choose us.
Came here just to say this.
Shush. Cool Pope knows a good dildo when he sees one.
I used to have this problem when I had long hair (a million years ago) and used to put it in a ponytail. Now I’ve got a half-dome.
You have to go to other people’s funerals or else they won’t come to yours.