South Park politics is roughly an ethos that says “both parties are equally childish and bad; I am smarter than the fools who vote heavily for one party because I believe the truth lies somewhere in the middle.”
South Park politics is roughly an ethos that says “both parties are equally childish and bad; I am smarter than the fools who vote heavily for one party because I believe the truth lies somewhere in the middle.”
Libertarianism is a paper ideology. It looks convincing as a dry equation, but completely falls apart when subjected to real-world, human conditions. Surprise, surprise, trying to apply overly simplistic economic principles to every sphere of human society and governance is not an effective way for the world to…
You realize that rational decisions and accountability are not unique to libertarians right?
You’re in college, you can’t look up what Lolita is about ahead of time? I mean, you just you look up reviews for this very reason, but a 20 year old needs an announcement? I don’t get this. Why not have every professor begin the first class by saying “everything in this class is on the syllabus. Please look it over…
People: you can’t go reading an interview with John Waters and then complain that you’re offended. THAT’S HIS WHOLE SHTICK. Fucking deal or don’t read.
“I want to make sure you understand that because anyone who laughs while having sex is schizophrenic.”
She recently wrote this in the comments of her article on the Coen brothers.
Ugh, Lindy was the worst. Her lack of fundamental knowledge on anything related to Science and weight loss was headache inducing.
Pointless squabbling with another commenter; I can’t even remember all the details, but it wasn’t even anything aimed at a writer. My prior bannings were usually done on Lindy West stories, probably because I committed the unpardonable sin of disagreeing with Lindy West on something, but after she left my last screen…
I was ungreyed at Gawker for like a week and then said something in disagreement with the tone of an article and back to the greys I went lol. Honestly, I prefer it down here (mostly bc I get ungreyed by others anyway) bc it’s like the writers can’t wait to use what little power they have to ‘demote’ you. I feel like…
So I found out! My post was up (in black) for a minute before I got the ax.
Right? As far as criticisms go, this was pretty mild.
She seems to take offense very easily.
God, the writers here can be so thin skinned.
What a terrible way to be right.