
That skit was so funny, and Ms. Aguilera did indeed do a great imitation of Samantha.

That sounds very much like Seattle.  The temperature is cooling quickly, but we reached 70 today.  Wind storm tomorrow, oh, yay?

Taste buds do change with age. That said, I always liked veggies, really, any thing but liver. I still won’t eat it as an adult, and I’ve tried it with wine and mushrooms.

Travolta is married to Kelly Preston, who is very involved in Scientology.  If he comes out or leaves the cult, he will be “disconnected” from his children.  I do think he cares deeply about his children.

Thank you for this.  They’re both good actors, by Davis seems less affected.

It’s the next Derelicte!

I iron also, and find it meditative.  I tend to listen to podcasts or watch old movies on TCM.

Is there a category for cranky old bitch?  Cause, I’ve got that shit down.

Seriously. The Borg have standards.

The DC weather report for tomorrow calls for thunderstorms.  I’m hoping Thor will do us a solid and send a well placed lightning bolt.

Look at how she is preening in the photo.  Is that for Daddy, or Trudeau?

I don’t know what you’re talking about, as I scarf parmesan Goldfish.

I’m good with Jane Austen cosplay.

Ford and Shatner can have a cranky off.

If she is as bitchy to the wardrobe and beauty folks as she is to her co-hosts, I don’t blame them.  Surely, the Princess of Arizona  could find better clothing to wear. 

I can’t think of a more white bread with mayo couple.

That’s an interesting idea about payment, similar to the results of the States’ tobacco lawsuits.

Don’t forget the economic realities. Being able to control fertility made it possible for women to enter the non-home work force and to do well. These troglodytes want women barefoot and pregnant.

It’s so tedious and has eaten up way too many episodes.

Good point.  I had been thinking she thought they were too dumb.  I suppose that links to your concept.