
Damn right.

I don't think Spenser's a Nazi. I think he's kind of an idiot and should never go on Twitter again, but my loathing is mostly of this dumbass storyline.

The huge doubling down on a storyline that just seems to be getting dumber/more offensive is a problem, though. Like, I won't pretend I didn't think the storyline was dumb from day one, but man, they seem to have escalated it beyond what anyone might have dreamed.

This storyline has not been fun.

You realize you're on a site devoted to having stupid arguments about pop culture, right? Why the fuck would we not have feelings when people get real Nazis in our funtimes pop culture?

Yeah, but at what point does a character cease being whoever they are? If some guy shows up and has super strength and can't run fast, is he really Barry Allen?

There's a great story about some guys complaining about the Cap-punching-Hitler cover and Jack storming down the stairs of Marvel studios ready to throw down. (The complainers had already left, because cowards.)

I assume Marvel can't actually make him get off Twitter but for Christ's sake someone needs to get him off Twitter.

When he was a Skrull he literally wasn't Steve Rogers, though, just someone impersonating him.

Eh, I think it's different when you're asking retailers to wear the shirts than if you just have them for anyone who wants them. And really the problem isn't the shirt as much as it's Marvel doubling down on a tone-deaf storyline that not many people even seem to like.

Yeah, Google Operation Paperclip to see how the US treated Nazis post-war, at least Nazis who could sell us a good story.

There are plenty of other ways to talk about Nazi!Cap too. US Agent is right there.

I don't have one of those either, though.

Where the fuck have we gotten where 'maybe they're only 50% like the Nazis' is a good talking point? Like, why can't we not like Nazis? Is this what happens when we go past irony?

Because what's hundreds of years of tradition compared to what makes Tiny Hands' tiny dick get hard, rite?

This basically describes half the thread. We're through the looking glass here.

Oh, gosh, I really need to see High-Rise, even if I hate it. That sounds so worth it.

I also think Sideshow Bob wasn't as loved/known right out of the gate, either. Bob took time to grow.

It's their feed, though!

By that logic, NCIS is the least-watched show in television history.