
I don't understand it at all.

I have it in my phone. I figure if not for me, there might be someone around me who needs to reach out, and if it's there…

It's a pretty cool system.

How do you know how many people are watching The Get Down?

I was bullied by one guy daily at the end of junior year and none of the adults outside school knew about it. One of the teachers tried to make it better…by encouraging me to change myself/make nice with one of the guys in the social group that was treating me like shit. Not great, Bob.

Tapes are kind of back among the hipsters, I guess?

Maybe it depends on local trends/law? Around here you can't get a tattoo until you're 18 so there aren't many until college.

Really? Then why was the suicide rate for 15-24 year olds going up for years before Kurt Cobain's death and then went down for years following it?

It's 11:55 and I assume the roll is basically over, but there were more people on the Mall when I went there last summer on, like, a random weekday. Amazing.

All the Space Marines seem to want to protect her, for that matter.

Maine is a disaster. Every week or so their fucking governor says a new racist, ignorant thing.

My money is a guy with ex-wife or girlfriend.

I'm sort of curious to see what he'll do myself. Move to Dreamwidth? The interface is basically identical. Just wait and see if the Russkies try to hack him?

Me too.

I really love the extended family thing the siblings have.

A family friend has CP but he has much more mobility than JJ. I hope they do that kind of arc too.

Coyote! It wouldn't make much sense for Bud to have the drinking game about his own girlfriends, either…

IIRC he said in one interview that it's a lot of effort to speak so he's more comfortable using other methods when it's feasible.

He really underlines how many of the perceptions around parents of disabled kids can be too. Jimmy very explicitly talks about how he had to put his drive toward something else, and Ray can't really get the difference because he doesn't realize how draining what they went through/still go through is.

Me too! I'm glad to see some people coming over.