
There are, but there's still limits to that. We don't know what kind of prognosis he has (some CP basically levels off and some does not). Donald Trump and Paul Ryan have specifically targeted funding for those programs. And one bad illness might make JJ far less functional than he is now. I think telling the kids 'JJ

Also the joke about ska music.

It has always been pretty clear-eyed about disability, which is one of the reasons the kid and I like it so much.

I also think Shoshanna was dead on with her 'do you like ANYTHING' speech. He's kind of burnt out and depressed, and he needs to get over that shit, too.

I can relate to aspects of the show, though their socioeconomic circumstances and geography couldn't be more different.

I had always assumed that there would be dumb vitriol in the comments, but holy crap there were people who came in EVERY WEEK to bitch about this show.

I have pink and black salt that I use for candy and stuff. I mean, who's going to dye that shit? I don't have time for that.

King Arthur Flour's vanilla is acceptable too. Nothing beats the HUGE bottle I bought in Mexico on vacation and had for years though.

I think it would be very different if it was 'look at secretly gay Putin!' Instead it's 'Putin hates gay stuff…taste the rainbow, bitch!'

I thought it worked in Searching because it presented the parents as feeling they had to make a binary choice, not because they presented their feelings as reality. The kid's still playing chess at the end of the movie, you know?

She has a pretty great scene in the trailer (when she realizes how smart Miss Adorable Moppet Is), and then the trailer gets dullsville fast.

We had an excellent gifted program and then the funding went away and no one quite knew what to do with us 'smart' kids. I think the current drive toward differentiated instruction is probably the way to go long-term. I feel like I got a bit of the worst of both in terms of isolation, honestly.

My biggest frustration with the movie was that it presented the whole thing as a zero-sum game. Nowadays, at least where I live and I can't believe Boonie Florida is that different than the Boonie Northeast, kids can take accelerated classes or do 'gifted' stuff and still stay with their peer group. I mean sometimes

The cast is so great! Why are they all so wasted?

Most alcoholics have their first drink around 12-13. It's not wholly implausible.

It was really interesting because at the beginning of the episode (and the previous episode) they really emphasize Adam's size—his hand on her face, his build—and so when he gets her on the floor you're reminded of how BIG he is compared to her. Like, they underlined his physical advantage without ever having to make

That's it!

I think there was a retcon or two but that was one of them for sure.

It's so illogical! Why not do something about a 40-year-old man instead?!?

Hark, A Vagrant! did a good comic on it.