Thank you. That didn’t sit well with me either.
Thank you. That didn’t sit well with me either.
Considering only the chuddiest assholes make a stink about that fascist salute, yea, it’s awesome. And he’s a Nam Vet; I don’t think he has to salute a damn thing.
im shutting mine off at 215.
no credit to Daily Beast reporter Tarpley Hitt for breaking this story?
most people have a box full of them, this would be just another e-waste
most people have a box full of them, this would be just another e-waste
For sake of joke, we pretend this Soviet Russia, where chopper get you!
I’m honestly as tired as the “John McCain was a terrible terrible person who no one should say nice things about” pieces as the “John McCain was last of a rare and noble breed of American statesmen” pieces. Dude died just yesterday, and in my universe, it’s still poor manners to interrupt other people’s mourning with…
I will never not take the chance to post the best watermelon video ever.
Real Genius, an 80's movie staring a young Val Kilmer. I highly recommend it.
Eh. I believe in borders, myself, but I believe in borders that should be permeable to those seeking to cross them; a nation that refuses to define itself geographically is a nation that will eventually lose its definition entirely.
Let me clarify: I absolutely believe we should be taking in refugees and asylum…
Being in the military made me much more comfortable around weapons, but much less comfortable around how easy it is for any yahoo in the US to legally purchase a dangerous handgun or rifle. In some States, they can do it with literally zero questions asked.
Lots of things need to change in the US (too few of which gets anywhere near enough attention). This is definitely one of them.
Ding ding ding ding. When you need an underclass of people who will vote the way you want them to because they can’t figure it out for themselves, you need to choke out public education. Elect an ignoramus and promote private schools that don’t have the same standards.
No, I know, I’m asking why. It makes no sense.
Why are teachers attacked in this way? Where did this all start? Why is complaining about how the people that are in charge of educating children so acceptable?