But then she would get a rep as being “difficult” and “a bitch.” This is what happens when we don’t play along.
this asshole.
I feel so bad for her, having to do this interview. She’s trying to placate him (as we women are taught to do) but holy shit, what an uncomfortable moment.
You forgot cooking and cleaning somewhere in this theory.
Yeah, my lesbianism is just a bit of fun I'm having before my husband comes along. Till then it's nothing but finger banging and rainbow filled skies!
“What are you looking at?” she asks. Eyes up here asshole.
We’re all just dates, aren’t we? We only study and work to find our future husbands, right?
The plan made me feel dishonest and creepy, so it took me a long time to send my novel out under a man’s name. But ea…
I was at a fast food place a while ago (sometimes I really crave fries, okay?), waiting in line to order. The guy in front of me was hitting on the 16-year-old girl behind the counter and you could tell she was uncomfortable, but didn’t think she could say anything. He finishes with his order and I start walking up to…
Extremely well put. And may I add a POX upon every chicken shit restaurant manager out there. If you’re afraid of the customers, if you can’t find it within yourself to stand up for your employees then YOU DON’T DESERVE TO BE A RESTAURANT MANAGER!!! GET THE FUCK OUT AND TAKE THAT RUDE ASS CUSTOMER WITH YOU!!!!
yes, I do not understand why someone can know that their friends behavior is bullshit and yet they won’t say anything. Weaklings.
I would totally go to the movies if they offered free blenders and shit. A microwave and a matinee? No problem!
While my Grandpa was serving in Korea, my Grandma and her girlfriends went to the movies every Wednesday because that was “dish night.” With the cost of her ticket she’d get a free teacup, then a saucer, then a dinner plate... By the time he came home so they could get married, she had a whole set! Unfortunately, she…
Oh God if you are the friend of one of these assholes, if you don’t speak up you are compliscent. Give your roommate a high five or a hug for enduring that shit without snapping.
I was at a Logan’s and the couple behind us were being so rude to the waitress, berating her and treating her like she was an idiot. She came to us next and you could tell she was upset even though she was very friendly and professional. My pregnancy hormones took over my mouth when I opened it to order my drink and…
I was at Costco with my brother yesterday and he needed sunblock, he said that Neutrogena was supposedly the worst chemical-wise for you but it was all they had. He then said “Well if it has one or two ingredients the FoodBabe doesn’t approve of but it’s the only thing, I’ll just have to get it” This is a guy I…
What your response really should have been: