
Even then, some guys see it as a challenge.

Ah, yes. god forbid a woman tell a man to knock it off when he’s coming on way too strong, she'll hurt his man feels!

a friend of mine had this happen to her. A mutual friend on facebook thought she was hot, and kept trying to get her number even though he didnt know shit about her. They used my facebook page as a means of communicating with her rebuffing him, and him nagging her, and trying to use me to give him some sort of

Because, no doesn’t mean anything unless you belong to some other man? At least, I feel like, “I have a boyfriend,” gets a better response than a simple, “No” which is maddening.

Uuuuuuuugh the dickbags who won’t take “I’m not interested” for an answer but will accept “I have a boyfriend.” Because you’re not allowed to have desires of your own; the only way you can deny them is if you’re someone else’s property.

Don’t respond: a fat cunt whore (wut?).

And then you’ll say “go away forever” and they’ll say “WHY DID YOU ANSWER AT ALL IF YOU WEREN’T INTERESTED YOU COULD HAVE JUST NOT REPLIED!!1!1!!”

Bachelor means a guy is having sex and a good time, not being lonely, horny, and alone.

You will never win. If you ever reject a man, for any reason, you’re a bitch.

They’re just called bachelors. It’s a positive thing, whereas a spinster is sad and lonely.

In the most general sense, it often doesn’t occur to them that women have value as anything other than a thing to be desired or fucked. That’s why it doesn’t occur to them that we experience and desire the full range of relationships. We are simply a thing to be fucked.

Oh Tracy, what would we do without you posting controversial stuff on the weekends to keep us entertained? You’re a Jezebel treasure.
(I predict that this time it won’t be the regular Jezzies who get offended, but we will get an influx of possible MRAs and #notallmen’ers at some point, not to mention mansplainers.)

‘just ignore them! it works!’

Good job, TSA. Keeping the world safe from terrorist paper cuts.

This is hilarious!

God, I have stories up the wazoo from eight years of working as a camp counselor, but there’s one that really stands out.

My first year working at sleep-away camp, we did this training activity where everyone had to talk about a time that we felt “other” or ostracized. The new Drama Director (18 or 19 years old) told

Girl scout camp in the 90s. We were supposed to be orienteering, and my troop went rogue when we named ourselves the amazons, found a ken doll, and sacrificed it in the name of feminism. Yes, I was a misandrist before it was cool

Oh, this is a story about the counselor side. I was working as a junior counselor at this camp I had been going to since I was a kid, and I just adored it. One of the great things about it is that camp director always hired excellent staff who were kind, supportive, and just loved the kids. We were also linked to the

I went to camp with my best friend one summer. On the last day we are all waiting for our parents to pick us up and one by one my camp mates leave. My Mom is always late so my best friend asked her Dad if she could stay until I got picked up. 2 hours after the last kid has gone I am freaking out. 4 hours after the