That’s what my father says too. I’m one of 3 kids.
That’s what my father says too. I’m one of 3 kids.
Best advice I’ve seen all day
Don’t have kids. This is advice from someone with 3 kids.
I was working in the drive-thru at McDonalds... My job was to listen to orders and grab the food, and hand it out. We were working fast, even without cheating the system by clearing an order early, it took no more than 90 seconds for a person to finish placing their order, pay, and have food going out the window.
I love that sort of thing.
Why doesn’t this taste like the corned beef I had in New York twenty-five years ago?!”
if vagesel was on the market and my boyfriend was too wimpy to get it because he didn’t want to get a shot there, that might end our relationship
unless you and your partner use condoms as your birth control method and are never planning on having kids, basically what you are saying is “I expect my partner to get pumped full of hormones, have things shoved up her vagina and have her vagina ripped open to expel another human but you can not ask me to have…
This is one of those times when I wish for a magic wand. I’d make you a woman for five years. Your first try at BC pills might make you super irritable. You will gain 7 lbs. You will also experience decreased libido. You finally go off the pill because you can’t handle the side effects. You and your partner will…
Must be a slow news day. Australia is full of magpies who will not only swoop you, but draw blood pecking you. I had to walk to school with an icecream bucket with eyes drawn on the back when I was a kid.
They are! Especially when they've learned not to fear people.
Goose are mean like Loons.
A few weeks ago, an angry Canada Goose chases me away from her hatchlings. I was legit scared.
Given the pain regularly associated with having female anatomy, forgive me if I have zero sympathy for dudes scared of a needle poke.
I’m cracking up at these comments already. I will start this short comment rant with the disclaimer that I am fully aware many women are in horribly, abusive situations in which they are trapped. This is not the situation I am describing.
I realize there’s not much to this story...
My grandma was a total badass and trailblazer, and my grandpa was shy and sweet. Family lore holds that one morning he was heading out to do chores and she said “I thought I’d make us some cake this afternoon and have the pastor over.” He assents. She adds “...And then I thought while he’s here we could get married.”
Whoa. That reminds me of this episode of Black Mirror.