
Psh. “The admissions office”, eh? Like as in, the only one that gave him the time of day? Fuck this tool. His story is fucked up on so many levels. I still don’t buy it to be honest. I’m supposed to believe it’s legit why? Because his racist ass said so on his website? The FAQ on his racist website full of racism

100% agreed. I tried to give Mindy the benefit of the doubt. Maybe Mindy just happens to be attracted to white men and doesn’t necessarily think Indian men are unattractive, but clearly her preference in white men is based on her preconceived notions that they are superior to men of color, and that kind of interracial

Mindy is not her brother and should not be held accountable for his nonsense. HOWEVER. So many of y’all on Jezebel were so ready to excuse her all-white (and almost) all male writers’ room, the fact that all 7 million of her love interests on The Mindy Project were (and are) conventionally attractive White guys (Seth

Pssh, I bet Chester doesn't even get invited anymore.

Seriously! Chet Haze makes me think that maybe Tom Hanks is secretly a really terrible guy. The one time I did see him in public it was hanging with John Travolta, who is definitely not a nice person. So there is that.

Nothing sadder than a relative who insists on rapping instead of making music...

That would be a good excuse, but I just chalked it up to him not being a human being anymore...

Tom Hanks must be so disappointed.

Wow, I didn't read him 'of course getting creepy with' as being racist, I read it as of course, because he's a GM at a place with underage employees (I mean, that's pretty universal as something that happens VERY frequently, at restaurants/stores/jobs with managers of all races/sexes/orientations).

In this instance, I advocate vandalism.

And apparently men as well, given your trolling for attention.

It's not even a nice looking kitchen.

Yeah. But they seem way more impressed with themselves at the Chive.

Also, they're running a headline right now that reads:

I'm more offended at the fact that they are almost never funny? Reddit has redeeming qualities for an internet cesspool. I quite enjoy some subreddits, lurker though I am.

It's a horrible cesspool, yeah.

The Chive is where basic dudebros who can't figure out Reddit go.

Non. That Goat is ridiculous and I laugh every time it comes on-screen.

My biggest complaint about The Jinx is they gave zero background on this woman. Her deposition was riveting! She was so hostile and aggressive. That voice like she'd lived in a Honky Tonk since toddlerhood! I totally assumed she was so street ruffian he had picked up while on the lam. Thank you for shedding light

I would imagine the daughter of a one-footed kosher butcher and a holocaust survivor would have been raised to view ruthlessness as a virtue. I mean to survive the holocaust or the cutfoot (hee hee) world of kosher butchering you would kind of have to be a little bit unyielding at times, no?