
That description is EVERYTHING. I, myself, have many dogs, one of whom is a French bulldog-hippo-ottoman mix.

When I was a kid, our neighbors a few houses down had a retired greyhound. He would hop their fence and run to our house to lay down in our soft grass. We laid in the sun and I would pet him while reading stories to him. Then at dinner time, he would saunter back home to eat. He was awesome. At first his family would

I bet he doesn't even know that 40 is as many as four tens. And that's terrible.

I worked at an RV resort (legit, these beasts cost more than homes, serious money) one summer at the pool. Not a lifeguard, just there to yell at kids and tell adults the booze has to be in plastic containers.

I don't see how that sounds right to anyone, whatever their age or vehicle. How would a person diagnose urgent engine trouble in a car that's sitting silently in a parking lot?

Came to say the same thing. I am so appalled at what this family went through, and filled with absolute admiration for their willingness to keep this in the public eye and fight for justice for themselves and others, during an unimaginably painful time.

That last story is eerily familiar. I was on a trip with my high school band from Indiana to Disney World in Florida and we stayed overnight in a motel. At some point late at night someone called the room that a friend and I were staying in saying that the vehicle we arrived in was having engine trouble and that we

Okay so I recently had a horrible bed bug scare and learned SO MANY THINGS you're supposed to do in a hotel room.

Jesus Christ, for real, the police should be ON THAT.

The goal of that scam is usually to get disoriented people to just read off their credit card info to the person over the phone, then hope their sleepy brains just forget about it. Just good ol fashioned no contact thievery. Which doesn't fucking work if the victim sees you physically take their shit so I guess the

It sounds a lot like the haunted hotel in Oklahoma City, the Skirvin. The legend goes that the owner had an affair with a maid, who got pregnant. Rather than deal with it he locked them both on the 10th floor, the maid jumped to her death holding her daughter. The hotel is one of the nicest in OKC so basketball teams

Yeah, the crazy reviewers are usually fairly obvious.

Ayup. My parents were actually SUED for damages because they ruined some family's summer vacation by cruelly allowing Lake Michigan to be several feet below historical average levels, thus making the water full of weeds and the beach unattractive. How dare they??


That last story is 100% true! The last three hotels that I've stayed at, the front desk warned me that this scam was happening and to call if anything like that happens before going out. I'm disappointed in the hotel staff for not calling the police and checking on the situation.

The whole time I read that, I said aloud "oh no no no no" . That terrified me!

We went to Hawaii for a major birthday for my mother. Long before Yelp, my father did his best to find a hotel that was nice but also not outrageous in price. He scoured through travel guides and found one he liked. We arrive at night and the hotel looks wonderful. Check in, exhausted from a long flight and we crawl

I once had a lady post a Tripadvisor review about my property saying that I specifically ruined Christmas for her and that her children are scarred for life now. All because I wouldn't let her family have an impromptu party by the pool with glass containers and two extremely drunk parents. Hotel reviews are fun.