
It's pretty unacceptable from children, too... If someone makes me food, it nearly makes me cry tears of happiness... triguncryingdonuts.gif

It makes me angry that a grown ass adult could be such a child! The pizza and chicken tenders diet is annoying EVEN when it's a child. It's unacceptable as an adult.

Wow. That would be so incredibly hard. I can't imagine what it would be like to spend hours every day talking with someone and then, poof, not only are they gone, they were never there. All that time, energy, emotion, money—it's just gone. I think the hardest part would be that there will never be any resolution.

Me too. I also wouldn't be surprised if she experienced abuse and neglect growing up. Someone who would latch on to attention from a stranger like this and rationalize the relationship as real has a huge void they are trying to fill.

Yeah, I can't even snark on this. I don't know why. Usually I'm the snarkiest bastard I know. Maybe it's her face; she looks so genuinely distraught. I just want to hug her and set her up with a nice guy who will love her for real and say nice things for free. We all deserve at least that much.

They tracked down the actual man in the photo, who was predictably not the man she'd been talking with. They couldn't find any record of the Chris Olsen that she'd been sending money to, or the nanny he claimed was looking after his kids, or basically anyone else he talked about. I think she finally accepted it in the

So? If I'd inherited a million dollars I wouldn't give it away to some asshole on the internet.

The sad part is I'm sure there are plenty of non-fictional men out there who would love her for $1.4m. It works for guys and their trophy wives. At least she wouldn't be as lonely.

I'm guessing "someone like this" means "someone this fucking stupid"

She probably also thinks that goddamned dress is White and Gold.

I am so heartbroken for how desperately lonely this woman must be to believe this story.

One woman and her hand: still a better love story than 50 Shades.

Im not sure if this is better or worse than finding a used condom...

As someone who has worked for a live theater, no your purse does not get to occupy a seat unless you paid for it. And unless the theater is really employ and no one wants that seat, I would think the same etiquette would hold true for a movie theater.

Given how unsexy the movie is supposed to be, it must have required a heroic level of commitment just to jill off to it in the first place.

A friend of mine in college went to see a revival of The Ten Commandants. During the part where Moses is coming down the mountain, he decided to open a bag of snacks. The bag was so loud everyone turned toward him and shushed him. He stopped and decided to wait until the movie was done.

God, I feel so sympathetic to those who've worked in movie theaters, especially if they were the cleaning staff afterwards. My friend had once found a used condom between one of the seats. Not to mention on another occasion she had to kick a couple out who were going at it during the credits...


Too soon for a Karcrashians joke?

And all we did was have wild sex and drop acid. And a little shoplifting at the mall. Those were more innocent times....