i used to live in Alabama, back before i was a legal adult and could get the fuck out - and let me confirm: Jesus, Alabama is every town in the whole state.
i used to live in Alabama, back before i was a legal adult and could get the fuck out - and let me confirm: Jesus, Alabama is every town in the whole state.
Coming into an article about how this show uses abusive and potentially fatal tactics and, essentially, siding with them is what makes you a dick.
Man that fat person who squashed your momma to death did a real number on you. You're better off finding constructive ways to manage your grief. It's not extremely difficult to do some group therapy and punch a pillow.
I'm a fat person. I watched exactly ONE episode of this show.
Yeah, I've gotta say that I still haven't really gotten over that one. Good way to make me lose trust in you, Mrs. Obama.
Please remember that the fat hysteria of people like Michelle Obama contributes to this. This kind of fat shaming is despicable and feeds into (pun intended) a superficial notion of what's important in life, that everyone ought to look the same and that you are nothing if you aren't society's idea of attractive. …
No people will die from heart disease, diabetes, and cardiovascular problems all of which have a high correlation to obesity because they are generally caused by behaviors that lead to obesity. Altering those behaviors is the key to healthier people, and Biggest Looser with it's predilection towards starvation diets,…
Wow, if only there was some middle ground to be staked between two stupid extremes. Darnit
No - Jesus, Alabama is one town west.
The thing about the show I always hated the most was when the trainers...Jillian in particular...would sit on the contestants as they worked out.
at the end of the school year, the students will all donate their rocks to the food bank.
Jesus, Alabama, get your fucking shit together.
Why is this a problem that's not addressed with the police? I guess the police are only in Police, Alabama.
Intruders pelted with cans by students: 0
The biggest frustration with the Catholic Church's opposition to female priests and ministers is that there is literally NO Biblical basis for it. None. Jesus never said anything that would suggest that he intended to exclude women from the ministry. Nothing. Nada. Zip.
My head just exploded with rage on behalf of your cousin. What a terrible thing to say to someone. How do these people sleep at night?