
They can't read and are in their early teens. That kind of ignorance is bad for society as a whole.

the one time we have called CPS because of suspected abuse, they needed more details than anyone outside the home would have. The refused to investigate because we could not tell them the exact dates of suspicious injuries (the kid had stitches, we knew what week she showed up with the stitches but couldn't tell them

And now there is also the hipster "unschooling", which is code for "My special snowflake is so much smarter than all teachers ever, he or she doesn't need to learn anything at all!".

"Homeschooling" is usually shorthand for "I don't want you filling my child's head full of 'facts' that are in disagreement with my incredibly fucked-up world view and/or cult-like belief system."

Often by parents who don't even know the difference between "there" and "their".

If you have experience in child-education and live in an extremely rural area with one school and all they teach is gym and home ec and some kind of twisted neo-con social studies and you can't afford boarding school, then fine. Home school your kid. Otherwise? NO.

Homeschooling should be illegal

Wow, where do I start with this one? I can think of several, such as:

These stories always confuse me, because in my decade of teaching I have found CPS to be so overburdened that we have to seriously harass them to intervene. I had a 9 year old student whose mother would make her sleep in the garage (in Canada, in winter) and it took NUMEROUS calls to get them to investigate. It

I felt bad, but then I read "it was like being water boarded" and lost my shit

Honestly, I'm less panicked over this than I am when I read about kids being "home-schooled."

Post soul-crushing breakup, I briefly went out with a bald wannabe white rapper with a "home recording studio" in his closet and zebra print bedding. What's worse is that he was, well, a bit overweight and if he was on top when we had sex, not only would I feel like I was being crushed under his weight, but he would

A guy whom after causing so much drama at a party, by drunkenly hitting on all my friends and kissing several who were already in relationships, left me something on the desk in the morning after we had sex.

Just for you, Jerry: the crazy Brazilian who snuck back into my room while I was sleeping (2 hours after I sent him home), the teacher fetishist, the guy with the tail, the guy who refused to talk to me in high school, annnnnnnd my second cousin. Just for starters and because you asked nicely :)

Women do not have a monopoly on wedding drama. The drama in our bridal party came from a groomsman.

Sorry an Academy Award winner didn't want to take a photo with a stranger that would inevitably be tweeted as a publicity magnet for your B-List reality show, Kenya.

Oh my...I've been married since 1994 but...

My sister's bridesmaid fired herself. They had been friends since college and then right before the wedding she went incommunicado. The dress had been purchased, she had driven up for my sister's shower a few weeks before (she lives about 2 hours away)...and then she just stopped speaking to my sister. No

I kind of like how Victorians dealt with it. After a wedding, each guest is mailed the bride and groom's new calling cards. If you received a calling card that contain the married couple's new address, it means that they want to continue their friendship with you and you may call on them. If you receive a calling card